Home Home The most interesting practical tools for your kitchen. Culinary boons of November

The most interesting practical tools for your kitchen. Culinary boons of November

tools for cook

Culinary small box, instant marinade maker, singing glasses. We provide you with 10 top November boons for your kitchen.

Editors’ opinion. There are no unnecessary small things in private life, especially in the kitchen. Of course, you can peel potatoes with a small knife, but it’s more comfortable to do it using a special vegetable peeler tool. It makes no difference which plate you use for soup, but if you use a beautiful one, your soup is tastier.

Thus, we don’t advise you to ignore any achievements of scientific-technical progress. There is no need to buy the whole assortment of new products, just look closely at them and probably this is exactly you need to simplify your daily life.

Smart coffee machines

Bosch, a smart coffee machine of Vero series is a professional tool to turn you into a proficient barista. It has plenty of settings to select an individual taste of your lovely drink. Thanks to Personal Coffee Pro option this coffee machine memorizes up to 6 individual profiles, including the drink type and its size.  A unique SensoFlow System cooks the first cup within 40 seconds and this machine doesn’t spend the electricity in a sleep mode.  Bosch Vero Selection and Bosch Vero Cappuccino coffee machines cook coffee in 2 stages: 2 grinding and 2 brewing in order to avoid bitter aftertaste even after a big coffee portion. Vero coffee machines make dense skin on milk and they have also a style design. Ceramic grinders of SilentCeram Drive work without any noise.

Bosch a smart coffee machinePrice: from $1231

Instant Marinade maker

Instant Marinade maker is a real discovery for those who don’t like long culinary processes, especially pickling.

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Vacu Vin Instant Marinator marinated meat, chicken and seafood in a short time. It’s enough to put products in a big cup, add marinade and close it. Then use a special pump to pull out the air from this cup. A resulting vacuum opens pores and fibers in a food, thus the marinade penetrates it instantly.

Vacu Vin Instant MarinatorPrice: 53 USD

Culinary box

Personalized Recipe Gift Set with Embosser is the best gift for professional and culinary amateurs. Being made of maple it contains about 500 cards you can use to write down your favorites recipes. It has special delimiters of a special categories and acryl holder to protect these cards from splashes during cooking.

Also this box contains a printing to help you personalize your recipes.

Personalized Recipe Gift Set with EmbosserPrice: 83 USD

Sushi for two

Sushi platter is a perfect dish for a romantic dinner serving. It was designed by New York specialists, known for its functionality: wide area, build – in sauce – boat and 2 dips for chopsticks. Thanks to this dish people become more intimate.

Sushi for twoPrice 54 USD

Singing glasses

Sandra Bullock, a heroine of Miss Congeniality film demonstrates her skills in playing with glasses. Try Major Scale musical wine classes to do the same. A set of melodious glasses lets to play your favorites scale or melody. You should fill the glass till a specific point and pass your damp finger over the thin border. In this case your finger plays a role of a bow to makes the glass vibrate.

Try Major Scale musical wine classesPrice: 69 USD

Cake Moulds

Cake moulds is the best way to suppress your appetite. Muffin Tops Cupcake Molds help to cook not too beautiful and appetite baking as they demonstrate your waist absence and fat deposit on thigs.

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Muffin Tops Cupcake MoldsPrice: 12,99 USD

Bloody Chopping board

The Splash Chopping Board is a practical tool which is used as a fixator to prevent fidgeting of some products while you chop it. It’s also very easy in washing.

splash boardPrice: 18,99 USD

A perfect collector

Fresh Air Compost Collector is an optimal dustbin for a kitchen.  It’ very roomy and it has a handy closure which is made by means of a unique technology. The closure has special hole to let air pass through them. Therefore, the rests of food are always dry. The dustbin is produced with a solid fixator for disposable rubbish packs which are made of specific materials stable to different odors.

Fresh Air Compost CollectorPrice: 32 USD

Tartlet Baking Set

Tartlets with different filling are the best appetizers and desserts for a festival board. Of course you can buy a ready-made baking but you can also cook them by yourself.

We advise you to buy Tartlet Baking Set in order to cook perfect tartlets. A special cutter will make perfectly grooved edges.

Tartlet-Baking-SetPrice: 35USD

Knife – Sharpener

Use this tool to sharpen knifes as if you perform a trick of man’s oversplitting. If you have this instrument you won’t have to ask you husband several times as usually they do it with a pleasure, especially when then think about women.

a trick of man’s oversplittingPrice: 12 USD


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