Home Beauty 12 exercises with fitball to strengthen the muscles of your buttocks

12 exercises with fitball to strengthen the muscles of your buttocks


Collecting dust in the far corner of the apartment is not just all that your gym ball capable of. New exclusive set of exercises for the abs and buttocks is the best proof.

Coach Bernie Zurella has an impressive background: he is a former kickboxer and a member of the World Kickboxing Association as well as a drill sergeant. Apparently, Bernie’s military past helps to create super efficient sets of exercises. Those who wish to strengthen the abs and buttocks under his guidance in the Gold’s Gym fitness club in New Jersey enlist on a waiting list. Our readers are much more fortunate – they would get an exclusive exercise by Bernie Zurella right now and for free.

The ball is in the game: The fitness ball should suit you in size. Sit on it: if your thighs are parallel to the floor, everything is ok.

Plan of action: Perform all twelve exercises as a single complex three times a week or every day choose two or three exercises for a five minute work-out.fitball

Objective: firm buttocks

It strengthens the muscles of your buttocks, outer sides of thighs, and obliques

Get on your knees, lean your right side on the ball. Your right hand is on the ball, your left leg is stretched to the side parallel to the floor. Hold this position for one count, then bring your left knee to the ball and then stretch your leg back to the side. Repeat 12 times. Switch sides.

It strengthens the muscles of the buttocks, the press, thighs, lower back

Do support in lieing position, placing your shins on the ball. Lift the left leg, pause for one count and return to the original stance. Lift your right leg then lower it. Repeat 12 times.

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It strengthens the muscles of your buttocks and back sides of thighs

Stand with your back to the ball and put your right foot on it while your right leg is bent. Raise your hands up. Keeping the left leg straight, bend forward and reach towards your left foot. Return to the original stance. Repeat 12 times, switch sides.

It strengthens the muscles of your buttocks, lower part of back, abs and back sides of thighs

Adopt the plank position, forearms on the ball, hands clasped in a cast. Slowly lift your right leg as high as you can. Return to the original stance. Lift your left leg then lower it. Repeat 12 times.


It strengthens the muscles of your buttocks, abs and back sides of thighs

Stand facing the ball, brace your hands on it keeping your arms straight. Lift your right leg parallel to the floor. Bring the right knee to the ball, hold for one count and then stretch your leg backwards. Repeat 12 times, switch sides.

It strengthens the muscles of your buttocks and back sides of thighs

Sit on the ball and walk forward with your feet, sliding down the ball until you are leaning on it with only your shoulder-blades. Lift your hips. Slowly lower your hips, so that the buttocks are almost touching the floor; then return to the original stance. Repeat 12 times.

The goal: flat stomach

It strengthens your obliques and muscles of the inner thighs

Lie on your back, holding the ball between your feet. Roll over onto your right thigh and right forearm. Press your left palm to the floor behind your. Squeeze the ball and lift your legs as high as possible. Hold for one count, then return to the original stance. Repeat 12 times, switch sides.

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It strengthens your obliques

Lie on your back, arms stretched out on the floor above your head, heels on the ball. Tighten the abs, slowly go up and touch your fingers to the toes. Slowly return to the original stance. Repeat 12 times.

It strengthens your obliques and lower back muscles

Sit on the ball, lean back and press palms to the floor, spreading your fingers aside. Stretch your legs parallel to the floor. Bring your right knee to your chest, return to the original stance, bring your left knee to your chest. Repeat 12 times.

fitball for buttocks

It strengthens your abs

Adopt the plank position, forearms on the ball, hands clasped in a cast. Bend your right leg and touch your knee to the ball. Return to the original stance with a swift motion and bend your left leg. Repeat 12 times.

It strengthens your obliques and muscles of the inner thighs

Lie on your back, hands on your nape, elbows turned out to the sides. Squeeze the ball between your feet, legs stretched out above the floor. Raise the left shoulder and bring the right knee to the left elbow. Return to the original stance, make the same exercise for the other side. Repeat 12 times.

It strengthens your obliques

Lie back on the ball, legs bent at the knees, arms stretched behind your head. Lift up holding an imaginary rope, first with your right hand, then with left. Continue until you are in a sitting position. Perform all the movements in backwards order to return to the original stance. Repeat 12 times.

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