Home Beauty Evening hair styles. Detailed How To Instructions and Photos

Evening hair styles. Detailed How To Instructions and Photos

how to make a beautiful hairstyle

You can make beautiful hairstyles at home if you follow our step by step plan.

You can easily create great evening hairstyles at home if you follow our step by step plan. Look at the evening hairstyles on this page and choose the most suitable variant for you. Read the instructions and they will help you make the hairstyle you like for any hair length.

The Most Beautiful Hairstyle is “A Bloomy Garden”

This beautiful hairstyle “A bloomy garden”, which can suit for a party with friends or for a visit to the theatre or restaurant.

  1. to creat beautiful hairstyleThis hairstyle looks like a flower and is good for long hair.
  2. Gather all your hair into a tight ponytail which you can place anywhere on your head you like.
  3. Divide your ponytail into three parts.
  4. Then divide every part into three more parts.
  5. Begin to braid the three parts of the strand.
  6. Do a big braid.
  7. After you’ve braided till the middle of your hair length, gently pull the pieces outward on one side only, widening the plait.3 braids
  8. The plait should be wide and beautiful.
  9. Continue to braid till the end of your hair.
  10. Pull the pieces outward in the second part of your plait as well.
  11. Braid other parts of your hair in the same way. Don’t forget to pull the pieces outward only on one side of the plait.
  12. Three big lacy plaits are the base for our future hairstyle.
  13. Begin to create the hairstyle with the first plait.
  14. Twist the first plait into the center of your style and fix it with hairpins.evening hairstyles
  15. Twist the second plait round the first one.
  16. Don’t forget to fix every part of the style with hairpins, because your hair can weigh a lot.
  17. Twist the third plait in the same way.
  18. Finally you can pat your hair and secure it with a hair spray.
  19. Remember that pulled parts of your plaits should be always above.
  20. We also want to point out that for this hairstyle you can use your own hair or take a wiglet. beautiful hairstyle
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Beautiful Hairstyle with a Plait – “In Blossom”

Original and beautiful hairstyle with a plait “In blossom” is made in several steps.

separate one lock

  1. The hairstyle is suitable for medium length. Begin to create it with parting your hair.
  2. Separate two strands on your right.
  3. Separate one lock from the strand below and join it to the strand above.
  4. Separate one lock from the strand above and join it to the strand below.
  5. Continue in the same way and do a fish plait by adding new locks above and below.
  6. Take thin locks for braiding to get a beautiful lacy plait.
  7. Braid in such a way till the end of your hair and fix the end of your plait with a hair tie.to create hairstyle
  8. You’ll get the first plait on your left.
  9. Then separate two strands on your right as well.
  10. Separate one lock from the strand above and join it to the strand below.
  11. Separate one lock from the strand below and join it to the strand above.
  12. Continue to braid by adding new locks to the strands above and below.
  13. Finally you’ll get two plaits.
  14. Gently pull the pieces outward, widening the plaits.2 volume braids
  15. After this you’ll get two plaits twice as big as they were.
  16. Two thick plaits will be our base for the future hairstyle.
  17. Arrange the right plait on your left.
  18. Then lay the left plait over the first one on your right.
  19. Fix all the parts of your hairstyle with invisible hairpins.
  20. In the end pat your hair and put them into the right shape.Hairstyles for any hair length
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One More Beautiful Hairstyle is “Natty Curl”

Now let’s have a good look at the most pretty evening hairstyles and take “Natty curl” as an example.hairstyle

  1. This hairstyle can be suitable for medium hair.
  2. Separate a strand like for a fringe.
  3. Gather the other part of your hair into a tight ponytail.
  4. Separate small locks from the ponytail and fix it with small hair ties.
  5. You should get the base for your future hairstyle like on the photo. The number of the strands depends on the thickness of your hair and your wish.
  6. Carefully part your locks with your hands.
  7. With the help of such technique you can create beautiful fleecy hair.hairstyle with braid
  8. Begin to arrange your locks into the hairstyle.
  9. You can arrange all your locks as you like. The main thing is to create volume and fix it with hairpins.
  10. After having fixed your locks with hairpins pull them gently down and smooth them with your hands.
  11. You can curl the rest of your hair with the 25 mm curling iron. Make it in the direction opposite to your face.
  12. Arrange your locks on your right and join them to the whole hairstyle.to arrange locks into the hairstylehairstyle at homeNatty Curl


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