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Remove the Pain with Every Step! Get rid of Blisters, Callouses and Plantar’s Warts

plantar callosity

Excess weight, diabetes, platypodia, uncomfortable and tight shoes – all of these causes callouses and blisters on the feet and other diseases. At best, it looks unattractive at worst it is painful. This seemingly little trouble can not only spoil mood and gait (because when you feel pain at every step, your smile looks nervous) and develop health problems. Therefore, we will tell you how to get rid of blisters and callouses, and how plantar warts are treated.

The first rule of feet maintenance when they are in perfect condition is convenient footwear. Undoubtedly, the sharp sock and a high heel emphasizes beauty and slimness of legs, but the problems with feet are capable to nullify all your efforts: any heel will not be able hide painful lameness and any ultra fashionable sandals won’t hide blisters or callouses. Therefore footwear must be chosen with a good qualitative sole, standard instep support and form which isn’t clamping the foot.

Everybody knows that the best treatment is prevention, in this case – it is comfort of your feet and regular cosmetic care of your feet. But if it is too late and problems already exist then it is high time to gain skills to eliminate blisters and callouses.

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  1. Dangers of Callouses
  2. Which callous is more dangerous?
  3. What is the difference of plantar’s warts?
  4. Treatment of problem feet
  5. What is the treatment of plantar’s warts?
  6. How do you get rid of blisters with the help of medications?
  7. How do you get rid of blisters with the help of traditional remedies?

Dangers of Callouses

Callouses are the most widespread problem of feet’ skin. They arise on feet and look like areas of the coarsened skin with fuzzy outlines. These don’t have a visual bump, unlike plantar warts or getting dry blisters, but you still feel pain when walking.

Callouses appear because of rubbing and constant pressure on the foot during physical activities. The main reason is using narrow inconvenient footwear, a high heel, and in particular excess weight. The fault of a high heel consists in uneven distribution of body weight on the footwear sole, as a result, plantar callosity are formed near the foot’s fingers. Special attention should be paid if such problem becomes chronic. It can testify about development of platypodia, therefore it is necessary to immediately visit the orthopedist. Problems can be avoided, if you get advice at the doctor and buy orthopedic insoles.

Callouses are often are very painful and remain for years. Fortunately, they don’t affect deep layers of skin, have no “rod”, “roots” therefore it is possibly to effectively get rid them at home. It is necessary to eliminate the factors provoking their emergence after removing them.calluses

Which Blisters are More Dangerous?

The blister – each woman knows this painful sealing of skin. Rare new shoes leave our feet without the “water bubbles” which arise on the heel and toes. They, aren’t so big as a callouses. As a rule, they have precise roundish outlines.

Blisters exist in wet and dry forms. In the case of wet callosities, blood appears in the area of the injured skin, then liquid gradually accumulates, forming “a water bubble”. Callosities must be processed by antibacterial means, and treated as cuts or small wounds. It is strongly not advisable to breaking blisters considering high risk of entering infection in a wound, longer curing and possible consequences. If wet blisters aren’t treated and continue to be exposed to friction and other negative impacts, eventually it can be transformed in to a dry blister, provide oneself with”root”, or the “rod” which will go deeply to the lower layers of skin. The treatment of dry blisters is very long and laborious occupation, as a rule, requires medical means, ask for help from a doctor.

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What is the Difference of a Plantar’s Wart?

You must be sure before treatment that you really deal with blisters and callouses, but not with one more serious disease – plantar’s warts. Warts give a lot of inconveniences on any part of the body but when they are on the sole it is especially unpleasant. Pain can very quickly become intolerable from the pressure and friction on warts.

Their main feature that they don’t keratinized, unlike blisters and callouses consisting from the dead skin. Don’t try to cut these off or make any type of incision on these.  You can cause more problems or even worsen the situation. It is possible to clear them in another way. The main feature – localization of pain, is possible to reveal pressing it on each side (exactly on each side, but not on an outgrowth). So, it is a wart if you feel pain. Another characteristic feature is the appearance. They are coarsened and planar, as a rule, with accurate edges, brown or corporal color with black center – blood vessels.plantar warts

Treatment of Problem Feet

The plantar wart must be treated by a podiatrist, it isn’t recommended to get rid of by yourself, better to delete it in cosmetic clinic. You will be able to effectively remove also blisters and callouses in clinic or salon.

The plantar wart is destroyed by liquid nitrogen, laser removal and even “drilling”. Liquid nitrogen, freezes keratinous area which  further removes without problems regardless of depth of “rod” of a blister or “root” of a wart. The laser ray, as a rule, makes keratinous area softer, polishes skin, relieving from died-off layers. Besides specialists use the device, looking as a drill which “drills” “rod” of callosities.

However so serious procedures are justified only in that case, when callosities or plantar callosity are old or chronic. If you don’t neglect regular care of the heel, in this case blisters and callouses will be quite successfully eliminated by yourself at home.

problem of feet' skinTreatment of Plantar’s Warts

Often plantar’s warts don’t need specific treatment. In most cases they are treated by themselves gradually over several years. But if outgrowths hurt or expand, you must go to the doctor. And you shouldn’t hesitate with it. Small warts treat easier than clusters of large warts.

Plantar’s warts are treated hard, resisting persistently and during long time. The patients who have diabetes, damaged nervous terminations on feet and also the weakened immune system must be treated by strict supervision of the doctor. Treatment is begining usually from painless procedures without side effect and scars.

Treatment methods of plantar’s warts:

  1. Cryotherapy. Warts are frozen by processing of liquid nitrogen or other chemical. Sick skin dies off. Blister is formed around, then it exfoliates during a few weeks. As a rule both procedure and post-treatment period are very painful.
  2. Сantharidine treatment – substance has been received from a spanish fly. Procedure is rather painless processing warts by this substance  therefore it can be used in a treatment of small children. Though in some cases bubbles will appear in a 2-24 hours after procedure. Wound cicatrize in a 5-10 days. During all this time apply a bandage or use salicylic plasters.
  3. Immunotherapy. Such treatment means stimulation of immune system on self resistance. There are many ways to do this, for example, injecting the “Interferon” medicine, or another substance (anti-gene) in a wart. “Interferon” will be able cause side effects such as flu symptoms. Anyway procedure of an immunotherapy is rather painful.treatment of warts
  4. Amikvinod treatment – is a highly effective drug against infectious diseases of skin. The preparation stimulates the body to produce immune system proteins (cytokina) which destroy a papilloma virus. Side effect of such treatment – is a serious inflammation round a wart and damage of some skin areas.
  5. Excision – removal of a wart surgically (an electric needle or a scalpel) with using of local anesthesia. The result of this method can be formation of hems, and therefore is applied in an extreme cases. Hems on the feet can be very painful and irreversible.
  6. Laser therapy. Blood vessels in plantar warts are cauterized by method of pulse laser therapy. The infected skin area soon dies off, and the wart falls off. Such treatment is also painful and it can leave scars.
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How to Get Rid of Blisters and Callouses with the Help of Medical Means?

You may buy many various medicines in modern pharmacies for removing blisters and callouses. It doesn’t necessary to sort out in it, at the first, active agents in the heart of these preparations are often identical or similar, therefore any pharmacist can provide a mini-consultation. At the second, it doesn’t exist absolute recipe from anything, one preparation will arrange someone, someone will suit another. Somebody can be treated by one medicine, someone else can be treated by another medicine.

  • “Anti-callous” creams and ointments

Salicylic acid – is the main component practically of any anti-corn medcine. Salicylic 10% ointment is good for solving problems of feet. Creams and ointments combining salicylic acid and other active components, such as benzole acid are equally excellent for treatment both plantar callosity and callosities. Such combination gives keratolytic and softening effect. However it is necessary to avoid contact with healthy and gentle skin.

"Ant-callosity" creamsAt first it is necessary to steam out callous, antibacterial trays for feet are used for this purpose. Then it is necessary to impose a bandage with hole on a infected place. The callous must be opened and readily available. Plaster must hide healthy skin. Now it is necessary to cover this place with medical ointment, and impose a second layer of ointment, which must be closed completely, including a sick place.

  • “Anti-callous” bandage

Special “anti-callous” bandages are the most convenient in usage which fabric is already impregnated with active treatment substance. The method of application is the same, however, effect is slightly weaker.

Leave the ointment and bandage on the skin for 6-8 hours. After this time the skin is soft and is carefully scratched by abrasive tools: pumice, brush, scrubs for feet. It is easier to remove callous if it is new and it requires fewer procedures for full disposal of this problem. Procedures must be repeated, at least every other day, before absolute disappearance of callous.

  • “Ant-callous” oils

Such vegetable oils as linen, olive, corn are perfectly  suitable both for prevention, and for removal of calloused skin on feet. Oils are a component of medicine for callous removal because of making skin deeply soft. Daily usage of cream with the content of these oils is capable to prevent emergence of problems with feet.

"Ant-callosity" oilsToday in any pharmacy or cosmetic shop it is possible to get pure oils for using at home. Unrefined and unperfumed oils of the first spin cycle are especially good. In such oil it is necessary to impregnate a cotton sock and to put it on for the night, wrapped up by polyethylene and fixed by another sock above. It will be enough if you wash your feet from callosity and plantar callosity in the morning. It is possible to repeat such procedure an unlimited number of times.

Castor oil deserves special attention. It not only makes problem area soft quickly, but also stimulates blood circulation. As a result it supports high activity of skin and stimulates the fastest healing. Use the same cotton sock for the compress which consists from equal parts of castor oil and glycerin.

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Getting Rid Blisters and Callouses with  the Help of Traditional Remedies

  • Footbaths

  1. Soap and soda trays for feet are the simplest and the most effective remedy to remove blisters and callouses. To prepare such footbaths you will need bicarb, a household soap and hot water. In liter of water it is necessary to dissolve 3 teaspoon of soda and 1 tablespoon of rasped soap. You have to steam feet in this substance, during half an hour. It is necessary to scratch out softened skin, wipe up feet and to apply cream.
  2. Manganese trays. If blisters are painful and new, so you may add into a tray a little potassium permanganate until the water becomes pink and 1 tablespoon of salt. Put your feet in the warm substance about 15-20 minutes. It isn’t necessary to wipe up legs after procedure. Pain is eliminated quickly using such remedy.Footbaths
  3. Fermented milk trays for feet. Do such procedure before going to bed during the week. Put down feet in the warmed-up serum for about 20-30 minutes. Wipe up and grease legs by mix of castor oil and glycerin 1:1. Drink a half-glass of infusion from a tutsan, a decorative thuja and a calendula: 1 teaspoon with herbs for half of liter also it must boil during 1 minute.
  4. Cold salt trays make soft problem places, and also eliminates pain. For its preparation it is necessary to dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt in one liter of water and hold your feet in substance for about half an hour. It is necessary to apply this recipe in a warm season and use water of room temperature.
  • Lotions for disposal of callosities and plantar callosity

  1. Prunes in milk. Remove pits from prunes then boil them in milk. Put hot prunes to blisters for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Lemon lotion. Before going to bed steam out feet in quite hot water, wipe dry and put a lemon wedge with a peel to the problem place. Remove the softened blister. Repeat procedure during several days.
  3. Potato lotion. Pull off peel from potato and grate it. Wrap the grated potato in gauze. It must be bandaged to a blister for the night. In the morning wash up and clean up your feet. If necessary repeat procedure several times.
  4. “Anti-callous” aloe. Cut a leaf of an aloe, apply it on a callous and fix and leave it for night. Callous will be softened in the morning. You will be able to scratch it out without serious consequences.
  • Compresses for blister

  1. Onions compress. Cut usual onion in thin rings and apply to a blister. Roll up foot by polyethylene or a gauze and put on socks, leaving onions for the night. Wash out the softened skin by warm water in the morning. Scrub with a help of pumice and strew by talc or children’s powder.
  2. Tomato compress. Quite often instead of onions you may use ordinary tomato paste.treatment of plantar callosity
  3. Propolis compress. Knead propolis and apply it to a plantar callosity. Warm a foot by cellophane or by gauze and put on socks. Don’t put off such compress during whole day. Steam your feet in the evening, then scrub them by pumice and again apply propolis. If to use such compress for a week, it is possible to get rid even of old, plantar callosity.
  4. Celandine compress. Crush fresh leaves of a chistotel by meat grinder. Before going to bed impose the received substance on foot, wrap in cellophane, and put on a sock. In the morning foot must be washed with warm water and to processed by pumice. To repeat procedure every day, without breaks, before disappearance of the blister.


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