Home Food Foods Rich in Magnesium (Mg)

Foods Rich in Magnesium (Mg)

What does magnesium?

Indication of an Approximate Presence in 100 g of Product

  • cashews – 270 mg;
  • buckwheat – 258 mg;
  • mustard – 238 mg;
  • cedar nuts – 234 mg;
  • almond – 234 mg;
  • pistachio nuts – 200 mg;
  • peanuts – 182 mg;
  • hazelnuts – 172 mg;
  • seaweed – 170 mg;
  • peeled barley – 150 mg;
  • porridge – 135 mg;
  • millet – 130 mg;
  • walnuts – 120 mg;
  • peas – 107 mg;
  • beans – 103 mg.

Magnesium is a natural tranquilizer and an antistress mineral. Magnesium is one of the most widely spread elements in nature. It is an inherent component of bones and teeth enamel in human beings and animals, and of chlorophyll in plants, Magnesium ions are present in drinking water while magnesium chloride is found in sea water. There are 20-30g of Magnesium in the human body. About 1% of magnesium is found in body fluids, while other 99% are contained in bone (about 40%) and soft tissues (about 59%).

Daily Demand of Magnesium

A daily magnesium demand is 400-500 mg.

The need for magnesium increases in case of:

  • stress;
  • a diet containing large amounts of protein;
  • rapid growth of new tissue;
  • in children, bodybuilders;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • use of diuretics.pregnancy and magnesium

Nutrient Availability

Magnesium is absorbed primarily in the duodenum and a bit in the colon. However, only organic magnesium compounds are easily absorbed, for example, organic magnesium compounds in the complexes with amino acids, organic acids (magnesium lactate, magnesium citrate), etc.. The inorganic salts (magnesium sulfate) are absorbed very poorly. Excessive calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), fats in the body hinders magnesium absorption.   Dietary fibers bind magnesium while excess of alcohol, caffeine and potassium (K) increase loss of magnesium in the urine.

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Useful Properties and the Influence of Magnesium in the Body

Magnesium plays an important role in the body – it is necessary for the proper functioning of about 300 enzymes. Together with calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) magnesium participates in the building of healthy bones. Magnesium is essential for metabolism of glucose, amino acids, fats, transportation of nutrients and is required for energy production. Magnesium is involved in protein synthesis, the transfer of genetic information and nerve signals. It is necessary to keep the cardiovascular system healthy. An adequate level of magnesium reduces the likelihood of heart attacks. Magnesium normalizes muscle activity, lowers cholesterol level, helps cleanse the body from certain types of toxic substances. Magnesium together with vitamine B (pyridoxine) prevents the formation of kidney stones. If there is only magnesium that is lacking, kidney stones are most often made of phosphates (a compound of calcium and phosphorus). If there is lack of vitamin B6, oxalate stones appear (calcium compounds (Ca) with oxalic acid). It is known as an anti-stress substance – an additional amount of magnesium helps increase stress resistance. Magnesium salts prevent growth of malignant tumors. Magnesium also helps to fight fatigue – for chronic fatigue it is recommended to use magnesium supplements.products that are rich with magnesium

Magnesium Interaction with other Essential Elements

Together with sodium (Na) and phosphorus (P) it is involved in muscle and nerve activity of your body. Vitamin D regulates the magnesium exchange, thus increasing its efficiency. vitamin E, B6 and potassium (K) improve magnesium metabolism in the body.  Potassium (K) is not retained within the body cells if there is not enough magnesium.

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The amount of magnesium and calcium (Ca) in the body has an inverse relationship. Thus, in case of magnesium ions deficiency, calcium will prevail, which may cause its deposition on the walls of blood vessels and internal organs and violate their normal function. Calcium deposits might also be caused by shortage of vitamin E.

In human body calcium and magnesium should be present in a certain ratio to each other. The general idea is that this ratio should be no more than 1:0.6. For instance, in case of magnesium deficiency, the body would loose calcium with the urine, while an excess of calcium, in turn, causes magnesium deficiency.

  • Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

  • insomnia, morning tiredness (even after a long sleep);
  • irritability, increased sensitivity to noise, dissatisfaction;
  • dizziness, loss of balance;
  • twinkling dots before eyes;
  • changes in blood pressure, heart beat disturbance;
  • muscle cramps , convulsions, twitching;
  • spasmodic stomach pain, followed by the loose bowel movements;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • frequent headaches.Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
  • Symptoms of  magnesium excess:

  • drowsiness, loss of coordination, speech disturbance;
  • lethargy;
  • slowed pulse;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • dry mucous membranes (especially in the mouth).

Elevated level of blood magnesium (hypermagnesemia) might be caused by excessive use of magnesium supplements without calcium (Ca) supplements compensation.

Factors Influencing the Amount of Magnesium Present In Food

Contemporary food processing methods reduce the amount of magnesium. Even if you use magnesium-rich foods, it will be lost, if you soak the products in water, but would not eat the resulting broth and infusions.As the result of generous use of chemicals in agriculture magnesium absorption  in plants is lowered, particularly on calcareous soils.magnesium

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What Can Cause Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can occur because of diarrhea, kidney disease, diuretics treatment, use of estrogen and contraceptives, folic acid, abuse of coffee and alcohol. Loss of magnesium with urine increases because of stress: when adrenaline is released during stress it increases magnesium excretion through the kidneys. The lowered blood magnesium might also occur because of starvation, toxicosis and diabetes.

Very little magnesium is excreted with sweat, although excessive sweating might significantly increase this amount..



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