Home Health Contact Lenses Disadvantages. Wearing and Caring For Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses Disadvantages. Wearing and Caring For Contact Lenses

Contact lenses disadvantages

Contact lenses, as well as other modern inventions, have a set of myths, rumors and contradictions about their harm. Experts of JustLady magazine figured out the disadvantages to contact lenses and we are going to share them with you here!

Commentaries of contact lenses are different: someone uses it for a long period of time, others suffer from lenses. We have collected the most wide-spread rumors about contact correction lenses to help you get to the truth.

Contact lenses

Myths About the Harm of Contact Lenses. Caring for Lenses.

Myth: Contact lens can roll behind the eye and you won’t get it.

Truth: Nothing can roll behind the eyeball, because an eye is not dangled freely. If you rub your eye with a lens or wear inappropriate form, it can just change its position but it stays on the outer surface of the eyeball.

Myth: Lenses usually fall out, thus, one has to look for it regularly.

Truth: The first generation of lenses used to fall out; however, modern soft material lenses, made of silicon and hydrogel differ by their flexibility and tissue affinity degree, which forms to an eyeball. If you selected needed variant, it should fit you perfectly.

Myth: You may wash it with drinking water.

Truth: It is not a good idea. Even the most quality water is not sterile and it is not designed for lenses preparation. Microscopic elements and different bacteria may get into the eye and provoke irritation, edema and inflammation. Moreover, minerals, contained in water accumulate on a lens even after a shower and change its geometry.

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Myth: If you have lost container to store lenses, use a cream jar or something else.

Truth: That’s impossible! Any jar has its previous film-lire to lead to bad consequences in case it gets into the eye through the lens.

Myth: Some people are too sensitive and cannot wear lenses.

Truth: One needs to train a little to wear lenses regularly. The other people get used to wearing them very soon. Unfortunately, doctors have no answers to why some people cannot wear contact lenses at all.

Myth: Contact lenses provoke eye infections

Truth: Right you are! But it happens in the case where you failed to comply with recommendations as to wearing and caring for lenses; or you don’t visit an ophthalmologist in time.

Myth: It’s ok if I continue wearing lenses after its expiration of time.

Truth: as a lens contact directly with the eye, there is a risk for minor change to the cornea. That’s is why you should never prolong prescribed term by yourself as the period of wearing is determined by specialists on the basis of material properties, its shape, moisture and gas permeability. Term compliance lets you avoid any harm.

There are a lot of questions as to contact lenses putting on. It should be noted, the main reason people wearing lenses is putting them on in wrong way. But this procedure becomes automatic one with the help of ophthalmologist and your patience.

How to Put it On?

  1. Myths about contact lensesOpen your eye wide and try not to blink. Sit in a lightened place and draw off the superior eyelid using the forefinger. Also use the middle finger to draw off the inferior eyelid. Bring your forefinger of the other hand close to eyeball, just like you touch it. Train yourself until you do it without winking.
  2. When you put on a lens, do it above a table in order not to lose it. To prepare lenses, rinse them with a special solution (lenses don’t have to be too wet), and just pick it up by a finger-pad. Usually a lens has semicircular cup-like form; its concave side sits on the eye surface.
  3. Now open your eyes. It is desirable to put on the right lens first. Place it on the cornea carefully, pressing it a bit and take away your hand. Close your eyes slowly and do not open it for some seconds to let lachrymal liquid cover a lens.
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If you feel dryness, apply special eye drops. In case of unbearable discomfort, put lenses off and repeat all steps once again slowly. Always put on lenses before make up.

put on lenses

Disadvantages of Contact Lenses

Irina Leschenko, Candidate of Science, ophthalmologist and expert of woman’s magazine, a consultant of Johnson&Johnson believes that one disadvantage of contact lenses is a foreign body in an eye. Patient is responsible for putting it on, compliance of recommendation on caring and wearing and so on. In fact, contact lenses are harmless. However, they provoke complication in case you fail to comply with some simple rules. Unfortunately, it leads to keratitis, conjunctivitis and corneal ulcer development.

Use only compatible solutions to store lenses and additive cleaning tools as well. Change the solution each time you take off lenses. Otherwise, it may accumulate bacteria which can get into your eyes later. Buy 2-3 containers at once to wash and dry them when you need it. Change containers each 2-3 months. If you believe these procedures to be difficult ones, ask your ophthalmologist to prescribe you long-term lenses. Such contact lenses do not require constant changing.

Disadvantages of contact lenses

Tatiana Pavlova, Candidate of Science and ophthalmologist, the consultant of Highron Group comments that development of silicon – hydrogel lenses reduced the percentage of hypoxic aftereffects. Unfortunately, infectious, allergic and mechanic ones are still present. The principle disadvantage of contact lenses wearing is discomfort and dryness. It depends on individual eye specifics. These conditions are provoked by many factors: such as: lachrymal film, environmental conditions, a lens properly. If there are any problems you face while lenses wearing, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Doctor Pavlova reminds 3 main rules when you wear lenses:

  • Strong eyes.
  • Feeling of well-being.
  • Good appearance (no redness, edema and so on).
  • Do not forget to visit ophthalmologist.
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If you prefer to wear glasses, you can read how to choose the spectacle frames according to the shape of your face.


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