Home Beauty Quick and Easy Nail Art You Can Do at Home!

Quick and Easy Nail Art You Can Do at Home!

How to do manicure at home by ourselves?

Simple and elegant manicure is always relevant, but sometimes you want something unusual. An alternative to a traditional manicure is drawings on the nails. Not all of us have free time and money to visit beauty salons, but you can learn how to do this on your own at home. Do not immediately try acrylic molding, or art painting, it requires a great deal of professionalism and has become a kind of art nowadays. But if you have time and patience, you can learn a lot of varieties of nail design that you can do yourself.


Selection of Nail Polish

A pattern on your nails can be done with special acrylic paints or conventional nail polish. Drawings must be clear and contrast, so you need to choose the appropriate colors. You can select these colors:

  • black,
  • white,
  • red,
  • green.

What kind of nail polish chooseAlso useful are silver and gold. A lover of pastel paintings should stock up on paints of different pale hues. In cosmetic stores you can buy a special nail polish with a long thin brush, which will be convenient to paint with.

In addition, you will need these tools:

  • brush,
  • needles of different thickness,
  • pin,
  • orange stick,
  • pen,
  • beads, rhinestones, glitter.nail polish

How to Apply the Pattern On Your Nails?

The most common technique of drawing on nails for beginners is a pattern of multiple shades of nail with needle. Nail plate is filed to the desired shape. To keep the manicure for a longer time, and the pattern to lay uniformly, the nails are polished and degreased with acetone. The more thoroughly you do it, the better manicure you get. All about nail polish and its useThe nail polish, which was chosen as the background, must be applied in two layers and dried. On the basis of a few drops of one or several colors, contrasting with the background you need to separate these droplets with a needle in different directions,
forming a pattern. There are many techniques of drawing on nails, we can adapt to painting with a needle or toothpick, pen or brush. For beginners, there are simple options with special stickers or stamps and stencils. To understand which way is more appropriate for you, you should try everything and practice. Do not hurry, so the manicure turns out neat and beautiful, you need patience to perform this hard work. Do not be upset if the pictures do not turn out exactly as they were intended, and at first are more like scribbles. Most of the manicure masters are not just born artists and unlikely they have graduated with art major, most often the secret of their mastery is in constant practice. If you try regularly, even at home, you will get wonderful drawings. For training you can take a piece of glass or cheap plastic nails and paint on them. Sophisticated and subtle patterns are usually carried out by special gels and acrylics. For their performance better attend special classes.

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Options of the Patterns

There are many options of nail patterns. Even your imagination cannot limit your choice. French manicure, complete with a variety of colorful patterns, is very popular. You can use:

  • flowers,
  • geometry,
  • abstract patterns.

nail toothpicksThe tip of the nail does not necessarily have to be white, it can be bright – red with white polka dots, or like leopard skin or zebra stripes. Some simple French manicure supplements are rhinestones and sequins.

The big advantage of such a manicure is that it looks great both on long and short nails.

Quite popular and simple are chinese characters. Choosing a character that you know what it stands for.

They also draw smiles, logos, laces.

Your nails will look cool if they have multicolored stripes in any direction – horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

It is not difficult to paint your nails like a watermelon, strawberry or ladybug.

nails patternsFloral motifs are popular, which look great in bright colors, soft colors and look sophisticated with pastel shades. The middle of a flower can be decorated with a rhinestone.

Figures on nails can vary your daily routine and complement a festive dress. Beautiful nails will adorn a woman and emphasize her grooming, attracting admiring glances.


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