Home Health Qigong for Beginners

Qigong for Beginners

Qigong gymnastics

Qigong is the oldest system of therapeutic exercises. This ancient Chinese gymnastics is based on the method of managing your body’s energy, on integration of the corporeal, emotional and intellectual worlds. Qigong methods have been known since ancient times. It was considered that this magical Chinese science breathes new life into a man, clears his consciousness and enlightens his thoughts. It was used by the Chinese monarchs and Taoist monks. Qigong was a conventional method of a unique cure for any disease. The Chinese therapy has gradually become well known and nowadays it’s training facilities and clubs are spread all over the world. Qigong for beginners and more experienced people. Qigong gymnastics has become a customary and necessary attribute of everyday life. For many people, Qigong and life have become inseparable.Qigong

There are various Qigong schools where they teach a wide range of ways to influence the energy flows. The major and the most popular movements are the Zhong Yuan Qigong – a method based mostly on meditation, and Tai Chi, whose keystone is correct breathing. Different schools recommend their learning systems, however any Qigong movement is oriented on purifying the energy centers, ensuring long life and complete fulfillment from one’s life and internal state. Many specialists also recommend to combine Qigong with slimming exercises such a combination would make the extra weight simply disappear.

What is Qigong?

The main methods of qigongQigong is essentially a special breathing gymnastics with addition of physical exercises. The effect of this technique might be directed towards any part of the body: there is Qigong for eyes, spine, and a specifically popular one for slimming. There is even Qigong gymnastics for face – a unique method for rejuvenation and improvement of the skin. Interesting, that Qigong gymnastics exercises are done completely without touching: It is true for the noncontact gymnastics for face, neck and any other part of the body. Among the closest Qigong «relatives» thre are some contemporary techniques for effective slimming: Oxycise and Bodyflex, which are also based on the combination of breathing gymnastics and physical exercises.

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How Do the Effects Manifest?

Qigong practiceQigong practice helps to strengthen microcirculation, metabolism, improve the neurohumoral profile and relieve fatigue. Even more so, Qigong is the most effective therapy that helps to not only restore after surgeries but also to avoid them. There is nothing impossible for this ancient Chinese gymnastics: Qigong might be used to cure illnesses of eyes, heart, nerves – practically anything! The exercises will not simply heal your body in a short time but also will change your consciousness and behavior for the better. That’s why qigong is now actively used for chronic fatigue syndrome and depressive disorder therapy. This gymnastics practically brings people back to life and gives them youth!

Qigong Exercises

Besides correct breathing and physical exercises, Qigong gymnastics include basics of meditation techniques to purify the body energy level. This also normalizes work of all organs, provide body tissue with oxygen and burns fat reserves. Qigong exercises unique characteristic is that they are all performed at a leisurely pace, with no strain and always in silence. This specifically makes Qigong resemble Pilates, another well-proven complex of exercises.

What is qigong?Beginners would probably most easily master Qigong techniques from video instructions. If you watch the exercise video recording and repeat them, this would allow you to quickly grasp the Qigong technique. You can watch the video several times over to once again repeat and reinforce the learned material with your personal video-instructor.

Discover the miraculous effect of this type of Chinese gymnastics!


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