Home Beauty Red spots after acne – How to get rid of them? 10...

Red spots after acne – How to get rid of them? 10 working methods


Are you suffering from red spots on your face left after acne? You are not alone! We have compiled for you ten the best ways to get rid of them (see also what remedies help for acne). But for the beginning a little bit of necessary information on the nature of the problem.

The reason for the appearance red spots

The main reasons of the appearance of red spots after acne:

  • neglected diseases;
  • squeezing pimples byhands.

The greater degree, the melanin pigmentis guilty for everything, which is actively produced during the inflammatory process in the face. The color intensity of spots is directly dependent on the depth and degree of local inflammation. From this it follows that the more brightly colored spot, the longer it takes on its removal. In fact, these spots are stagnant processes in the skin, which must be made to “go away”.

Is it possible to avoid the appearance of red spots from acne?

red spotsIt is real to counteract the appearance of red spots. The preventive measures include:

  • timely daily treatment of inflammatory of rash on the face;
  • avoidance of squeezing from the skin inflamed elements;
  • use a moisturizing cream with an SPF of at least 25 before any exit to sun.

Even if you are not lucky and the red spots “decorate” your face, do not despair! It nevertheless isn’t the deep holes that remain after severe inflammation, andeven it is possible get rid of them. It takes patience, because the process of removing the red spots may be delayed for months.

Ten working methods of getting rid of red spots postacne

  • Method №1: Beauty salon peeling

Course of any cosmetic peeling: mechanical, chemical, laser will help to understand the problem better and faster all. All of them are excellent for removing spots left after the acne. However, not everybody can afford these peelings therefore it is necessary to consider other methods that are also highly effective and thus available to everyone.peeling

  • Method №2: Home peeling with AHA acids

If you can not do salon peeling, then it can be done at home by peeling systems for self-use, it is benefit of a lot of them now are offered by a variety of cosmetic companies. Typically, this is either peeling with AHA acids, or salicylic acid. It should be carried out strictly according to the attached instructions. In a few procedures it will be already possible to see a noticeable change – from the lightening spots to their complete disappearance.

  • Method №3: The badyaga will help to get rid of spots after acne

One of the best ways to get rid of red spots is the effect on the skin of using badyaga. For reference, badyaga is a medication made from sponge badyaga. Initially, this medication was made only in the form of a powder and was intended for the treatment of bruises and hematomas, but now you can buy at a pharmacy and the badyaga gel. The both forms of the drug will be useful for the removal of red spots. The main action is based on the peeling effect of silicon needles that are part of badyaga.

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badyaga will help to get rid of spots after acne

How to use: The badyaga powder should be diluted with water, hydrogen peroxide or boric alcohol at choice. The resulting mass should be gently rubbed into places with red spots, and then leave it on the face for another 10-15 minutes. It must be remembered that badyaga contraindicated in damaged skin. After the procedure there may be a different reaction to the skin from a simple irritation to severe flaking and crust on the face. This is very similar to what happens to the skin after a chemical peel, and the result, actually a beautiful skin with a smooth color, will not take long.

  • clay mask to removal red spotsMethod №4: Mask made of clay

Masks made of clay have excellent regenerative and stimulating effect. t is best to use them in combination with other components, for example, with the same badyaga: 2 tsp white or green clay mixed with 1 tsp badyaga powder and 2-3 drops of salicylic acid or 3-4 drops of essential oil of rosemary.
In another case, 1 tsp white clay is mixed with 2 tsp lemon juice and with water to obtain the desired consistency.Masks made of clay can be applied both on the entire face and in areas with red spots then it shouldbe left to act for 10-15 minutes.

  • Method №5: The organic acids

It is very effective impact of natural acids, which are able to align the complexion by relative bleach stains. Such acids are apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Before use, they must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. After that you can simply wipe the face as a tonic. Besides, even kefir has acid, so it also has a bleaching property. You can wipe the skin by it in its purest form every day.

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lemon juce from red spots

  • Method №6: Parsley against red spots after acne on the face

Parsley perfectly copes with bleach of such spots. To do this, you need to pour a bunch of parsley 1 cup boiling water and boil for about 7-10 minutes. The resulting decoction it is necessary to wipe your face at least twice a day. Also, the decoction can be frozen into cubes and facial massage is made with them in the morning and evening.

  • Method №7: Mask of the egg white

The mask of the egg white and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice has worked well in the removal of red spots, it should be applied for 15 minutes on themselves spots or all over the face.

the removal red spots

  • Method №8: Mask of vegetables

Vegetables are able to make their own contribution for the removal of red spots. It is necessary to take a tomato or cucumber and grind into mush, then to add 1 tsp of starchIt can be used daily as a mask for 15 minutes.

  • Method №9: Treatment of the skin with essential oils

It is worth trying the treatment of red spots with essential oils. For this purpose, you need to pre-cook the following composition: 2 drops of rosemary oil and 1 drop of cloves, lavender and mintoils add into 1 tsp olive oil. The thus prepared remedy must be rubbed in areas with red spots about 2-3 times a day.
Another way is:to mix 4 drops of oils of frankincense, neroli and lavender. This mixture should be lubricated with red spots every day.essential oils to get rid red spots

  • Method №10: The mask of wax from the red spots

Special cosmetic paraffin copes with the destruction of red spots on the face. It needs to be melted in a water bath and then you just put on the spots with a cotton swab, pre-lubricated skin with your usual moisturizer or nourishing cream. After the wax hardens on your skin, it can be removed.This procedure is also very economical – you can not throw used paraffin, but collect and reuse. Paraffin is contraindicated for the skin, which has on the surface capillary vascular reticulum (cuperosis).

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In conclusion we can say is that, all your efforts will pay off. A beautiful complexion is worth it to try different reasonable ways of achieving it.


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