Tag: women health
Cervical and Uterus Polyps
Today we will tell you about the polyps in the uterus and cervical canal. And, about their causes, diagnosis, signs and symptoms, as well...
Can I get pregnant after menstruation?
Is it possible to get pregnant right after menstruation? This issue is of concern to many representatives of the fair sex, in particular -...
How to Conceive a Child
Have You Decided to Conceive a Child?
What should you do to have a baby? First, cancel contraceptives, secondly, make up your mind about pregnancy...
Lowering the Body Temperature. What Does It Mean?
What kind of serious diseases does drop in body temperature signalize, Passion.ru has discovered some reasons.
Every person from time to time throws in the...
What is PMS? What are its symptoms?
A human is a slave of his moods, and the woman is in particular. Who of us does not know the state when we...
Vaginal Discharges After Menstruation: Norm and Pathology
Often discharge, not associated with menstruation, scares women. For not each woman knows about what vaginal discharge can be considered as normal, and what...
5 Major Causes of Candidiasis
According to statistics, every second woman faces the symptoms of candidiasis. So why does this unpleasant disease appear and how can you prevent further...
Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy: Ease Childbirth and Preventing Ruptures
In the middle of the last century, Arnold Kegel, an American sexologist and professor of gynecology, has developed a wide range of specialized exercises,...
What is ovulation? Signs of ovulation and ovulation tests
What is Ovulation?
In order to understand what ovulation is, you need to have an idea about the structure and functioning of the female reproductive...