Home Health What is ovulation? Signs of ovulation and ovulation tests

What is ovulation? Signs of ovulation and ovulation tests

What is ovulation

What is Ovulation?

In order to understand what ovulation is, you need to have an idea about the structure and functioning of the female reproductive system. So, in one of Signs of ovulationthe woman’s ovaries each month formed follicle – a small cavity filled with fluid that contains the egg. By the middle of the menstrual cycle follicle reaches 2-2.5sm size, its walls become thinner and it bursts, with that the egg, along with the surrounding fluid, falls into the abdominal cavity. Ovulation it is precisely the same moment of rupture of the follicle dividing by itself 2 phase of the menstrual cycle – follicular (when there is a maturation of the follicle), and lutein (from ovulation to the next menstruation). For every woman of childbearing age it is very important to know the date of ovulation and the symptoms that accompanied it, because the day of ovulation is high possibility of pregnancy.

Signs of ovulation

All the signs of ovulation can be divided into subjective (observations and feelings of the woman) and the objective, the most reliable (laboratory tests, ultrasound study). The medical definition of ovulation is usually performed in cases of suspected lack of ovulation or irregularities that often causes infertility. Women usually detect signs of ovulation yourself when trying to become pregnant, or vice versa, to avoid pregnancy, calculating the most “safe” days.

How to Identify Ovulation?

Let‘s stop a little bit more on how to determine ovulation, without resorting to medical care. Before ovulation, the character of vaginal discharge is changed – 2-3 days prior to it, the discharge becomes heavy, resembling the consistency of raw egg protein, immediately after of ovulation the intensity of allocation decreases, they become thicker than normal. At the time of the ovulation is acceptable slight bleeding (up to several milliliters). Most women note increased sexual desire for 1-2 days before ovulation. In some women, the beginning of the ovulation is marked tingling, sharp, single-stage pain in the abdomen on the right or on the left. With a high degree of confidence we can calculate ovulation by measuring the temperature of the morning (so-called basal) in the rectum. It is known that the basal temperature rises during ovulation by 0.5 – 0.6 degrees, and just before ovulation slight drop in temperature is often noted. For more accurate data it is advisable to lead your own ovulation calendar, noting not only the days of menstruation, as is customary, but also the days of the ovulation.

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to identify ovulationIt is worth consulting a doctor in case you have a suspicion of a problem of the ovulation – irregular menstrual cycle, there is no increase in basal temperature, the absence of pregnancy during unprotected sexual intercourse. The most common and inexpensive laboratory tests for ovulation are based on the study of the nature of vaginal discharge. It is known that prior to ovulation cervical mucus in the content of sodium and potassium is significantly increased and during the application of a smear on a glass slide and drying is marked spinnbarkeit, it forms a pattern resembling sheet of fern. Often for determining the ovulation is used ultrasound of the ovaries, during which it is possible to notice increase in the size of the ovarian follicle with its further break. It should be noted that usually the doctor recommends along with laboratory and instrumental methods, lead your own ovulation calendar – daily measure the basal temperature, composing schedule.

Ovulation Test

There is less time-consuming, but costly alternative to the described methods – it is conducting ovulation test at home. Test ovulation in the form of test a strip are Ovulation Testcommercially available in pharmacies and is based on determining of luteinizing hormone increase in urine, which peak falls on day prior to the ovulation. Ovulation Test is recommended to make  2 times a day, starting a few days before the expected date (mid-cycle).
If in the result of research it becomes clear that you do not have the ovulation or it is observed not every cycle, it means for serious reproductive dysfunctions and the necessary of in-depth gynecological and endocrinological examination. Pregnancy in such cases is sometimes possible, but usually requires medical intervention such as stimulation of ovulation pharmaceuticals.

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