Home Health Can I get pregnant after menstruation?

Can I get pregnant after menstruation?

pregnant immediately after menstruation

Is it possible to get pregnant right after menstruation? This issue is of concern to many representatives of the fair sex, in particular – the very young ones, using the calendar as a contraceptive method. Let’s face it.

The phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal. The first and third phases are approximately equal in length to each other. Ovulatory phase is between them and lasts no more than 1-2 days. This is the phase during which the conception can happen.

From phase to phase changes occur in the endometrium of the uterus and the ovaries. In the first half of the menstrual cycle there is a growth of the dominant follicle, from which later the egg will be ready to fertilize. In the second half of the cycle the woman’s body creates favorable conditions for the introduction of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall and its development (if conception has occurred, of course). Thus, the answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant after the menstruation” will most likely be “no”.is it possible to pregnant


But the answer “no, you cannot get pregnant” is not categorical; in some cases, the conception is possible in seemingly impossible time for it. This is confirmed by the experience of many women, using the calendar method of contraception.

For example, it is possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation for a woman who has a very short menstrual cycle (less than 25 days) or a rather long menstruation (about 7 days or more). Thus, even on the 10th day after 3 days after menstruation, ovulation can occur and, respectively, conception is possible. Whereas in the classical menstrual cycle of 28-30 days ovulation occurs on the day 14-16. The so-called spotting does not interfere with the sperm getting into the womb, and the endometrium for the adoption of a fertilized egg may already actively increase in the uterus.

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pregnant after menstruationAn even more proof that you can get pregnant after menstruation is the extraordinary “survivability” of sperm. If the woman’s cervical mucus does not have damaging effects (and sometimes it does) on the sperm and semen contains a large number of ‘spermatozoa’, it is possible that some of them will live in the genital tract up to 7 days! And that means that in the normal 28-day cycle you can get pregnant if the intercourse occurred immediately after the menstruation – on the 7th or 6th day. However, it should be noted that such cases are rare, given the lifestyle of modern men and, respectively, their reproductive health.

About the calendar method and contraception

Our mothers and grandmothers probably actively used calendar as a method of contraception. But then there were other times, they simply had no choice. They only had condoms, vaginal caps, and oral contraceptives, containing a very high level of hormones, which could lead to dangerous consequences for the organism. But times have changed, and women continue to calculate the “dangerous days” … However, for some categories of ladies this can be useful. Let’s look for which ones exactly.

menstruationFirstly, there are a number of women who can not use hormonal and intrauterine contraception for medical reasons; the other contraceptives have not 100% efficiency. Another category of women is breast-feeding women. If you are unable or unwilling to put a spiral, then the only option is the not too reliable oral contraceptives, allowed for breastfeeding mothers and containing only one hormone – progestogen; also there are condoms or spermicides. Actually, if a woman is breastfeeding her child at least once every 3 hours (at night too), it is possible to get pregnant even in the absence of menstruation, but the probability is not high. A safety net for those women who have already returned to normal after delivery cycle is the calendar method + various methods for determining ovulation (basal body temperature measurement, tests, and so on).

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We would like to wish all women to be more attentive to their health and, in the absence of the desire to have a child, not to risk their physical and mental health making abortions, but protect themselves with reliable contraceptives, regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle.


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