Home Health Vegetative-vascular dystonia – a sensitive heart disease

Vegetative-vascular dystonia – a sensitive heart disease


Morning tiredness, sleeplessness, bad memory, heart pains…these complaints normally testify vegetative-vascular dystonia diagnosis. According to statistics, 20 – 30% of population suffers from this pathology. However, don’t be worry about this diagnosis as far as it is a curable disease.

sleeplessnessIt is known that this problem falls on the most sensitive people, which are used to emphasize with someone else deeply. Women are subjects to this disease more often than men. However, to date the stronger sex complains about this malady too.

Neurocirculatory dystonia

Scientists still cannot agree upon the most appropriate title for this pathology. Different sources this call it as neurocirculatory dystonia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiac neurosis and so on.

Neurocirculatory dystonia (vegetative-vascular dystonia) is a functional disease of cardiovascular system, provoked by nervous and endocrine control disorder, which has many clinic symptoms. In spite of all these facts, this disease is characterized by favorable forecast.

Therefore, it comes from nerves

Frequently, it happens when we have some heart attack, bad appetite or sleep after a big quarrel.

Exactly nervous and endocrine systems help our organs to function properly. Thanks to hormones, hundreds of nerve impulses and each cell perform their unique function and are ready to react and respond to any new task.

That is why nerve and endocrine system disorders often affect the while organism.


People of the risk group

  1. People with hereditary predisposition which have extremely excitable nerve system or it is not enough reactive.

Such people are usually too emotional or even apathetic, subjected to become unsociable, depressed and diffident.too emotional

  1. The most prone people live in bad social – economic conditions.

The reason to develop the neurocirculatory dystonia are hypodynamia, lack of enough rest, sleep and vacation, intensive operating schedule, conflict situations with colleagues,   neighbors and family members.


Reasons and symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia

  1. Accute and chonic stress, overstrain;
  2. Infection of upper respiratory tracts;
  3. Hormonal changes (puberty period, menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, climax and so on);
  4. Craniocerebral trauma;
  5. Chronic alcohol and tobacco intoxication;

Symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia

The first signals of this problem one can feel in its childhood. The symptoms of this disease are different and purely individual ones. In fact, it’s very difficult to find two people with the same complaints and symptoms.

However, here is a list of relatively universal signs of neurocirculatory dystonia:

  • Your condition is getting better due to diversion of attention from some important matter, especially if it is attended by pleasant emotions.
  • People who suffer from neurocirculatory dystonia can’t stand hot and too cold weather, stuffy rooms – too many people in a public transport, sauna or excess insolation.
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Deterioration of condition is attended by worry, death fear, such people are afraid to stay alone.

Subjective sensations of people to suffer from neurocirculatory dystonia are too bright – thus, it makes them feel they have some incurable disease. Unfortunately, exactly these doubts aggravate the problem course. In facts, neurocirculatory dystonia is an innocent malady.

In spite of the fact that it affects the quality of life, this pathology is not a fatal one.

Diagnose this problem by yourself!

Psychoemotional disorders

Such patients suffer from bright negative emotions regularly. Thus, a person always thinks about his and someone else’s failures.

That is why our nervous system becomes extremely irritable: people have unstable, worried and weepy mood, bad memory.

Patients also have poor workability, constant tiredness and inability to be concentrated on some important points.

Neurocirculatory dystonia results in different fears, suspicions and phobia, concerning their health or life.

Morning tiredness

Peripheral circulation disorder

  1. Local sudorrhea of palms and feet with some pricking feeling:limbs stay cold by touch, especially in case of an emotional stress.
  2. In stressful situation, one can observe a vascular net on the skin or bright red spots in a low-neck zone or on his/her face.
  3. In spite of physical activity, a person may feel pains in muscles, joints and bones.

Visceral disorders

  1. The most frequent cardiac symptom: 90 – 100% of suffering patients complain about heart pain. Many people indicate palpitation attacks (more than 90 stokes in a minute), especially in case of emotional loads.
  2. Respiratory symptoms: 80 – 90%. Patients complain about permanent lack of air, lump in one’s throat sensation. Such people often open windows and walk a lot. There is a term of “depressive sighs”, which also characterizes respiratory disorders under neurocirculatory dystonia.
  1. Gastroenteric upsets usually arise after some deep emotion. Such symptoms change appetite (some people even stop eating at all or they eat without distinction), provoke pain in different stomach sections,  abdominal distention, diarrhea or constipations.
  1. Sexual disorders are typical of many men. They are characterized by rapid ejaculation and erection abnormality, low libido.
  2. Asthenoneurotic sindrom happens in 96 – 98 cases: physical weakness, malaise and tiredness, bad sleep, low mental activity and poor strong – willed qualities. Patients are concentrated on their healthy and don’t believe in treatment.
  3. Constant or periodic temperature rise without any reasons. Antibiotics and other antipyretics don’t help to reduce the temperature. However, sedative preparations and hypnotherapy help to return healthy sleep.
  1. Headaches: 3 – 10%. These symptoms may be too intensive, pulsatile and one – sided.
  2. Pains provoke vomiting at a height, photophobia and intolerance of loud sounds. Sometimes, migraine attack is attended by mood change and somnolence.
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memory not good

Preventive measures: simple rules

How to prevent neurocirculatory dystonia symptoms? Firstly, you need to know the reasons.

For example, a baby comes into this world and he or she grows as irritable, whining and naughty child.

Such babies also have bad sleep and small weight; they are prone to catch cold. Of course, parents panic about this and take them to different specialists.

Doctors, as a rule, find some abnormalities and prescribe many diagnostic examinations. All these visits to hospitals also have negative effect on a baby as it can catch some infection there.

As a result, a baby has a neurocirculatory dystonia diagnosis from the very childhood.

In future, these children may be restricted in physical activity performance due to previous diagnoses and, unfortunately, it leads to hypodynamia.

Permanent oppression from parents and doctors, nonmobile lifestyle, isolation from children of the same age make such person closed, week and suspicious.

Thus, neurocirculatory dystonia is progressing and aggravating because of awkward age, exams, employment, family creation and childbirth.

As a result, a person deeply believes that that his result is incurable.  However, the real reason is neurocirculatory dystonia, which worsens the condition of a person with the course of time.

vegetative-vascular dystoniaSpecialists advise to fight with it from the little age in case your baby has its proneness.

  1. Infectious diseases treatment in a good time – never let them slide in case of cough, cold, sore throat and so on.
  2. Try to instil regular day regiment and serve as an example. This regimen should be individual and comfortable for you.
  3. Start training your child as soon as possible. It favors positive emotions and stable nervous system development. This is very important in case of neurocirculatory dystonia.
  4. Fight with hypodymamia. Any restriction is a sport activity should be medically proved! The nature of children is to run, jump and be scratched. Don’t forget to do morning physical exercises as far as: “We live when we move!” Do 5 minutes intervals and gymnastics during the day.
  5. Avoid any overloads and tiredness. Push unfinished reports, busy schedule to the sidelines. Think more about your health. The same things happen with children. To date information chaos overloads child’s psyche too much. Don’t forget to organize the leisure correctly!
  6. Your life opinion should be based on philosophical principles – don’t be concentrated on your failures. It is known that the best remedy to get rid of stress is your confidence in victory!
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It is very useful:

  • to take care of your weight, and avoid its gaining and changes;
  • to balance the ration and pay attention to vitamins, macro and microelements (intake of enriched products, dietary supplements and so on);
  • to take adoptogens (ginseng, magnolia-vine, eleutherococcus and pantocrine tincture) if there are no contraindications!
  • phytotherapy: herbage collection of valerian, motherwort, chamomile, dill, hawthorn;
  • to master a special technique of a respiratory gymnastics;
  • autogenic therapy (probably, you will need psychotherapy and hypnosis);
  • to have rest in some mountainous country with mild climate without sharp surplus pressure.

vegetative-vascular dystonia symptoms


  • tea, coffee, chocolate and cola abuse;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • it is not allowed to sunbath for a long time or stay in a stuffy room;
  • thrillers or criminal reports watching for the whole night;
  • medical literature reading about your probable disease.

In case of an acute form of neurocirculatory dystonia, a medicament treatment should be prescribed.

Different groups of preparations can be also applied: beta – blockers, calcium antagonists, tranquilizers, sedative agents and other analgetics.

A specialist only can choose an appropriate treatment program and control the course of disease in future!

Keep in mind that if you are not satisfied with the professions of your doctor, then don’t lose your time and find the one you can trust!

Don’t worry as neurocirculatory dystonia is a curable disease!

In addition, if you follow these simple advices, listed above, you will definitely live long and happy life without hospitals and preparations!

Natalia Dolgopolova, a general practice doctor.


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