Home Health 14 Day Japanese Diet. Eastern View of Slenderness

14 Day Japanese Diet. Eastern View of Slenderness

Japanese diet

14 day Japanese diet is incredibly popular in Russia. It comes to a little and lasts for 2 weeks. Moreover, it guarantees a real result for a long period. However, if you decided to become a beautiful geisha, it is necessary to stand the gaff. This Japanese diet has little in common with the traditional food of island state inhabitants. The menu contains: proteins, cellulose and no carbohydrates!

14 Day Japanese Diet: Description

Duration: 14 days.

Specifics: low-cal protein and low-carbohydrate. A strict one and requires a psychological resolve in advance.

Cost: low – no more than $30 over the two weeks.

Results – minus 11-18lbs.

losing weightRecommended frequency – no more than 2 times per year.

Additional effect – long-term result in case of correct exit of a diet.

Do not do in case of – pregnancy, breast feeding, gastritis, ulcer and diseases of liver and kidneys, cardio logical disturbances. Before you go on a diet, consult a specialist!

Why is a Japanese Diet?

You will be surprised if you think the diet’s menu consists of rice, soya sweets and fantastical mollusks. The land of the Rising Sun offers a European just green tea, salt-water fish and eggs. And this is a real advantage of the diet, as far as some other uncommon products may provoke a sudden allergy. Besides, all necessary ingredients can be purchased everywhere! Well, the origin of this diet is still unknown. Some people say it was discovered at some Tokyo clinic, another says such diet had a simple and clear scheme (a Japanese style). Follow the rules, make some efforts and you will be rewarded.

The Japanese diet is also characterized by its moderation of the composition and caloricity of permitted products. These factors close the diet to Far Eastern feeding. Naomi Moriiama, a Japanese nutritionist, believes that small number of carbohydrates in a daily menu and the little size of portions is the supporter of youth and longevity.

14 days Japanese dietAccording to Mariiama’s research, Japanese people consume 25% of calories less on average than people of some other countries. For example, in Japan people don’t eat potato chips, chocolate and confectionary baking. Besides, they learned about butter for the first time in the beginning of the 20th century and still treat it with suspicion. In other words, a choice of healthy products in moderation is the natural spirit of the Japanese culture. And this is the main requirement of this diet despite of some formal differences with a common ration of simple inhabitants of the Pacific state.

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The Rules of the Japanese Diet

One should remember that this diet assumes serious restrictions. A base saturant of the diet are proteins from hen’s egg, chicken, beef, fish and dairy products. Carbohydrates are presented in zwiebacks and some allowed vegetables, fats – in olive oil to prepare meals and salads seasoning. Also you can find them in meat and fish. Cellulose is the main component of vegetables and fruits. Coffee and green tea contains useful antioxidants – that is why it is necessary to choose top quality products free of artificial flavors and other additives.

If you used to keep step with time, pay attention to free applications for Android Japanese Diet to control daily menus, compose a shopping list and get supplement information of the diet. The language used is English.

One should remember that the Japanese diet is not balanced thus it is not recommended to use it for more than 2 weeks. Within this period you can feel rheumatic pain, weakness and headache. If you have such symptoms, terminate the diet and ask a doctor.

It is very important to drink a lot of carbonated-free water during this diet in order to provide withdrawal of products of animal proteins.

dietThe principle rule is to follow a strict plan. You can’t mix days and replace some products with another. Only a morning cup of coffee is allowed to be replaced with a cup of green tea without sugar. It is desirable to restrict salt within the whole period of the diet.

This diet seems to be difficult because of small number of food intake a day (only 3 instead of 5-6), no snacks. Have a supper 2 hours before bed at least. In the morning drink a glass of water on an empty stomach – it is very healthy for metabolism.

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Because this diet if very strong, don’t start it abruptly. Do some preliminary preparations: stint yourself of sweetness and fast-food, reducing a portion each time. The reward is a loss of a minimum of 11lbs in 14 days.

A list of products:

  • First-class coffee-beans or ground – 1 pack.
  • Green tea of your favorite sort free of aromatizes – 1 pack.
  • Fresh hen’s eggs – 20.
  • Fillet of salt-water fish – 2 kg.
  • Lenten bear, the pulp – 1kg.
  • Chicken’s fillet – 1 kg.
  • Olive oil of the first cold wringing – 500 ml.
  • White cabbage – 2 medium-sized heads of cabbage.
  • Fresh carrot – 2-3 kg.
  • Squashes and aubergines – 1 kg in all.
  • Fruits (except bananas and vine) – 1 kg.
  • Tomato juice – 1 l.
  • Kefir – 1 l (buy fresh kefir only).
  • Selected lemons – 2.

Full Menu for Japanese Diet

  • 1st day

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, boiled cabbage with vegetative oil and a glass of tomato juice.

Supper: 200 gm of boiled or fried fish.Japanese diet - cup og coffee

  • The 2nd day

Breakfast: a bit of rye-bread and coffee without sugar.

Dinner: 200 gm of boiled or fried fish with boiled cabbage and vegetable oil.

Supper: 100 gm of boiled beef and a glass of kefir.

  • The 3rd day

Breakfast: a bit of rye-bread, dried in toaster or tasteless biscuit without additives, a cup of coffee free of sugar.

Dinner: squashes or aubergines, fried on vegetable oil (any quantity).

Supper: 200 gm of non-salted boiled beef, raw cabbage on vegetable oil and 2 eggs.

  • The 4th day

Breakfast: a small fresh carrot with juice of 1 lemon.

Dinner: 200 gm of boiled or fried fish and a glass of tomato juice.

Supper: 200 gm of favorite fruits.

  • The 5th day

Breakfast: a small fresh carrot with juice of 1 lemon.

Dinner: 200 gm of boiled fish and a glass of tomato juice.

Supper: 200 gm of favorite fruits.to eat fruits

  • The 6th day

Breakfast: a cup of coffee free of sugar.

Dinner: boiled chicken without salt (500 gm) and a salad from fresh cabbage and vegetable oil.

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Supper: fresh carrot of small size and 2 boiled eggs.

  • The 7th day

Breakfast: green tea.

Dinner: 200 gm of boiled beef without salt.

Supper: you can choose: 200 gm of fruits, 200 gm of boiled or fried fish, 2 eggs with fresh carrot and vegetative oil, boiled beef and 1 glass of kefir.

  • The 8th day

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar.

Dinner: 500 gm of boiled chicken free of salt and a salad from carrot and cabbage on vegetable oil.

Supper: fresh carrot with vegetative oil and 2 boiled eggs.

  • The 9th day

Breakfast: a medium carrot with lemon juice.

Dinner: 200 gm of boiled or fried fish and a glass of tomato juice.

Supper: 200 gm of any fruits.

  • The 10th day

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar.

Dinner: 50 gm of cheese, 3 small carrots on vegetable oil and 1 boiled egg.

Supper: 200 gm of any favorite fruits.

to lose weight

  • The 11th day

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar and a bit of rye bread.

Dinner: cabbages or aubergines, fried with vegetable oil (any quantity).

Supper: 200 gm of boiled beef without salt, 2 boiled eggs and fresh cabbage on vegetable oil.

  • The 12th day

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar and a bit of rye bread.

Dinner: 200 gm of boiled or fried fish on vegetable oil.

Supper: 100 gm of boiled beef without salt and a glass of kefir.

  • The 13th day

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, boiled cabbage on vegetable oil and a glass of tomato juice.

Supper: 200 gm of boiled or fried fish on vegetable oil.

  • The 14th day

Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar.

Dinner: boiled or fried fish – 200gm; fresh cabbage with olive oil.

Supper: 200 gm of boiled beef, a glass of kefir.

It is believed that the result of this diet lasts up to 3 years as long as after you finish the diet you resume a moderate and reasonable diet and lifestyle. The moderation you learn from this diet should become your habit through life.


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