Home Food Delicious Cream for a Sponge Cake

Delicious Cream for a Sponge Cake

Making delicious cream for a sponge cake


No birthday party goes without a sweet cake.  Earlier our mothers and grandmothers tried to do their best to cook this treat themselves, but nowadays we have no time for it. We are too busy or too tired from work and prefer buying ready-made pastries. Thank god the contemporary confectioners make true masterpieces which can be purchased in any supermarket. That’s all well and good, but a hand-made cake will always be better than the one from the shop. So, if you have time and opportunity do try baking your own dessert. You will find a suitable recipe from any culinary source, including ours.

Sponge cakes have particular success. No sweets lover can be unaffected by their gentle and fluffy dough. Besides, it’s very light, so even if your guests and you have not stopped at one slice, there will be no unpleasant feeling of heaviness in your stomach, as it sometimes happens after consumption of high-energy and heavy meals. If you have decided to bake a cake, use the following tips. They will help you cook a delicious cream and turn your meal into an extremely tasty treat.


This recipe takes the first place in popularity rates among pastry lovers. It is custard that most women use for making cakes. So, we just could not ignore it.


  • three egg-yolks;
  • one teaspoon of flour;
  • half cup of cream;
  • 140 g of sugar sand;
  • vanilla (to taste);
  • 150 g of fresh butter.Custard for sponge cake
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First separate the whites from the egg-yolks. Mix the latter with sugar and thoroughly grind with flour. You should get a uniform mass without any clots or grains. Put your mixture on low heat and stir continuously until it resembles a very thick sour-cream. Under no circumstances should you boil the mixture! Then cut the warm butter into pieces and mix in with the rest of the sugar. Introduce the hot cream into the butter mix and whip it with a whisker until smooth. Then add some vanilla and let the mixture cool.

You can use this recipe not only for sponge cakes but also for other pastries such as small cakes and home-made eclairs.

A Cream Made of Cream and Fresh Cheese

We offer you another recipe which is rightfully considered the easiest. This time we would make cream for a sponge cake out of fresh cheese and cream.


  • 400 g of fresh cheese;
  • 250 ml of cream;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • two pinches of vanilla.

cheese cream for sponge cakePreparation:

According to professional chefs this recipe is the easiest of all possible to make.  So if you have never made a sponge cake we advise you to prepare a fresh cheese cream. It takes very little time and will not go wrong under any circumstances.

Grind the fresh cheese well with a fork and slowly poor the cream in it so that it flows thinly. Whip it with a whisker until you get a uniform and thick mixture. It should not flow. Then add sugar and vanilla to taste. Thoroughly mix the cream and after that you can start smearing it over your sponge cake.

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Super Simple Butter Cream

Butter creams are no less popular than those made of fresh cheese. They are also relatively easy to make and do not require much time to prepare.


  • 200 g butter;
  • rum to your taste (you can use brandy as well);
  • 1/3 cup of sugar powder;
  • two egg-yolks.butter cream


To make the preparation process easier, take the butter out of the fridge and let it melt a bit. Then mix it with sugar powder and stir well. Whip the egg-yolks and mix in with butter. Whip the mixture for several minutes until it is uniform.  You can add some rum or a good brandy at the end.

Butter cream is also used for shortcakes, while some housewives add it to their honey pies. You might want to keep that in mind in case you would like to make any of those cakes in the future.

Soft Cream from Egg-Whites

The taste of any cake (not just a sponge cake) depends a lot on the cream.  If you are among those who prefer fatty cream, we suggest you make it out of butter and cream. If you like your cream light, use sour cream, fresh cheese and egg whites to prepare them.  And we will tell you a recipe for the latter.


  • four egg-whites;
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar.soft cream for a sponge cake


Whip the egg-whites into a rich white foam, add the lemon juice and whisk again. Now gradually introduce small portions of sugar and whip the mixture until it is thick and smooth using upward movement of a wire whisk.  Make sure that there is not a single grain left. Once ready you can immediately start smearing the cream over your cake and creating your biscuit cake.

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Appetizing Sour-Cream

This tender cream will help you make an ideal sponge cake to happily treat your guests with.


  • 500 ml of sour-cream;
  • 200 g of sugar sand;
  • vanilla (to taste);
  • one pack of gelatin.sour cream for sponge cake


First mix thoroughly the sour-cream with sugar using a wire whisk or a simple fork. Once the mixture is smooth, add vanilla and the gelatin. Then whip everything into a thick cream and put it on the top shelf of your fridge. Let it sit for several hours and you can start decorating your cake.

By the way, if you use a very thick sour-cream, for instance a home-made one, you can forgo the gelatin. Your cream would be thick enough without it.

We hope that you will find our recipes useful. It’s always nice to make something tasty for a party or as a treat for your child. So why not making a sponge cake with a delicious cream?


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