Home Life Navel Piercing. Secrets and details

Navel Piercing. Secrets and details

pierced navel

It is a fact that a majority of women resort to a great number of methods to look more attractive and sexual. They use stylish clothe, make – up and original accessories. Some ladies prefer body – art, especially a piercing procedure. For example, as to ears piercing, all the secrets and details are already known thus, people don’t afraid of this procedure anymore!

However, a navel piercing is another matter.

A history of navel piercing:

It is known that this type of body – art is a quite recent trend which won hearts of many women: ancient Egyptians used to pierce their body parts to demonstrate a special status of this or that person.

Traditions of body parts piercing have different causes. Moreover, this procedure had nothing in common with the beauty.

But let’s go back to modern days and answer the next questions: when did modern women start pierce their navels? Well, a possibility to perform this procedure originated at the time of bikini introduction. This is the time when people became more emancipated and could let themselves wear more low-naked clothes.

Firstly, celebrities and popular actresses’ started to decorate their navels. And that were single instances. By the end of the 80th, such procedures stopped shocking other people and became more and more popular among women. To date such type of body art is still popular and attracts lots of men and women.


Unfortunately, many things we like to do in our life are harmful. It should be noted that any interference in natural processes has its aftereffects and lots of contraindications as a result.

Of course, a pierced navel is very attractive and sexual, however, in some cases it may lead to serious health problems.

navel piercing

Keep in mind that this procedure is frequently performed by people who are far from medicine at all. That’s why you should consult a doctor before you decide to pierce your body.

Don’t even think about piercing if you have the next health problems:

  • stomach ulcer or acute gastritis
  • pancreatitis
  • rheumatisms
  • chronic skin diseases (psoriasis)
  • blood poisoning
  • hepatitis
  • HIV infection
  • diabetes
  • individual lidocaine intolerance (or do piercing without anesthesia)
  • coagulability dysfunction.

Apart from listed diagnoses, there are some individual ones you should discuss with a specialist only.

Preparative procedures

If you decided to pierce your navel, and you haven’t any contraindications, then you may start the next preparative procedures.

  1. Change your life – style. A regenerative process of a navel is rather protracted, thus you should take care of the next points in advance:
  • You should have loose-fitting clothes for one month after the procedure.
  • It is not allowed to bend down, do physical labor during several days after the piercing.
  • Watch your weight as it should be stable.
  • You are not allowed to visit swimming pools and swim in public places or any basins.

Preparative piercing procedures

  1. Piercing materials. First of all you need to buy a belly button in advance. Unfortunately, your master will have to pierce your navel with a special ring till the total healing of a wound. This decoration should be made from medical steel or gold, which is too expensive. Experts advise taking the medical steel for sooner recovery.
  2. Psychological preparation. Remember, that each person has its individual peculiarities, thus be ready for a discomfort you can experience within the procedures. In general, a navel puncturep lasts for several minutes (with anesthesia), but then you may feel some discomfort. Be ready for that.
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Zones for navel piercing

Nowadays, there is a lot of information about piercing at home. Never do this by yourself! Unfortunately, it’s not enough to know a theory to perform this procedure. Master’s skills and experience are very important in this matter.

However, a professional is not the only criterion for choice you should take into account. This procedure is rather difficult; moreover, a nave body part is a zone of dirty collection. Keep in mind, a regenerative period after a poor service will take a lot of time and money. Therefor we advise to apply to a specialist with a big experience.

Navel care after the piercing

This is the most responsible part of the whole process as you should take care of your wound for a month as minimum. In some cases, a regenerative process lasts up to half a year. The only advice is to follow all prescribed rules impeccably; otherwise it will take more time.

navel care

A navel aftercare can be divided into several important steps:

  1. Belly ring care. It should be always clean. Never touch it unnecessarily.

In general there is no need to take out a piercing or change it till the total navel recovery. However, if it happens, take care of sterility.

  1. Persona hygiene. It’s better to stint yourself in taking a bath within the first two weeks. A warm shower and soft antibacterial soap once a day will be enough! If you need to touch your navel, use sterile gloves.
  2. Umbilical wound. Your master or a specialist should advise you some agents for bathing of wound and applications.
  3. It’s recommended to wear underclothes made of natural tissues. Experts have different opinions of this point. Some of them consider it’s better to pierce your body in winter as the risk of infection is reduced. The others don’t recommend this season as you will have to weal warm clothes which may injure the wound.

Skin preparation agents

If you applied for a quality service in conditions of total sterility, then you will need less time to take care of piercing. Nevertheless, you will need to follow all the recommendations: many experts don’t advise using anything except warm water and antibacterial soap. However, it’s not enough to use this method.

Specialists forbid alcohol and hydrogen peroxide usage as they dry up our skin and lead to increased injury.

Here is a list of recommended agents one should use to take care after the navel piercing procedure:

  • Chlorhexidine – aseptic solution to prevent an infection. Two time wound processing is required, especially after walking.
  • Miramistin is a topical anti-infective agent for bathing of wound and compresses.

It should be noted that a person should lie during such bathes. Pour out a required dosage of solution into the navel cavity and start turning the belly ring in 30 – 40 seconds only. Then blot it with a napkin.


A negative aftereffect is a wide – spread phenomena under a piercing procedure. Frequently, a person can feel some discomfort within the first six months after the puncture. Later, this channel is not as sensitive as a primary wound. Thus, the unavoidable consequences are painful sensations while touching a belly ring.   In facts such discomfort is nothing comparing with infectious risk.

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negative aftereffect

Another more serious problem is rejection. In this case an organism rejects a foreign body. It happens if you bought low – quality belly ring or in case a puncture is not deep enough.

This process may start in a week and it usually characterized with painful sensations. If you noticed a periodic pain or some other discomfort it’s better to apply to your doctor or some other specialist.

An acute inflammation is one of the possible negative aftereffects of a navel piercing caused by failure to comply with hygiene rules, poor belly ring material and so on; however, such inflammation can be treated if you’re ready to spend enough money and your time.

Keep in mind that none of aftereffects listed above can be absolutely treated, but you can reduce the risk of some acute diseases development if you follow all the prescribed rules and recommendation!

Navel piercing under pregnancy

A navel piercing procedure is rather dangerous, especially under the pregnancy period. Moreover, stable weight is the main condition of a successful recovery – thus, it’s impossible to realize if you are already pregnant.

Thus, experts don’t recommend women to pierce navels at this time or if you’re planning a pregnancy in the nearest year.

One of the main reasons you shouldn’t pierce under the pregnancy is an infectious risk of different blood transferred diseases.

Skin preparation agents are also contraindicated for pregnant women, as they contain antibiotics which threaten a fetus.

piercing under pregnancy

Another forcible argument is that the pregnancy also deforms a piercing ring under the pressure of growing belly. Probably, you will need to pierce the navel once more.

If you pierced your navel more than a year and you are pregnant, it’s not so dangerous for a fetus. But you should take into account specific physiological changes as a growing belly. That’s why you will have to watch your weight and change the size of the belly ring from time to time. By the end of the last term you will have to replace your ring for a fishing line or silk suture for your baby’s safety.

How often should I change piercing?

If you decided to pierce your navel, probably you dream about different accessories you’re going to try on. But one should remember that it’s possible to change the rings after a complete recovery of the channel.

How long does it last? It’s impossible to answer this question. But there are some cases when a woman is forced to change the ring through the individual intolerance of a material.

So, if you need to change the accessory the simplest way is to apply your master and advise on how to choose the right belly ring. Keep in mind that a procedure of replacement is rather painful; thus, we recommend applying to specialists.

If you decided to do it by yourself, then take care of and do it as soon as possible. The matter is that if your removed a foreign body, your organism starts active processes of regeneration, thus you will probably have to re-pierce the navel in several hours.

change navel piercing

Taking into account piercing peculiarities at this specific zone, it’s better to pierce an unhealed wound by means of intravenous catheter. Buy a catheter № 16,  cut a piece of a tube, hang it up under the ring (twist a ball in advance), now enter it in the puncture, take out the ring, replace it for a new one and remove the catheter tube. Such procedure is quite painless as it injuries the wound minimally.

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If you want a new belly ring, you are free to change it now. The most important rule is to prepare your hands and the accessories by means of aseptic agents.

Of course it’s very easy to infect an open wound in the channel. Be careful!

Myths and Truth

As far as the piercing is very popular and much-talked procedure, it has its myths and legends. Of course, there are lots of authentic facts about it, but we don’t recommend you to take in trust everything you hear about this procedure.

It’s very easy to pierce navels with pistols!

This is a myth! Such method is allowed for ear lobules only. If you use this tool for a navel puncture, such procedure will be very painful and a risk of infection is higher. Moreover, accessories used in pistols are made of a low – quality material and your organism can reject this foreign body.

The ring should be gold. There is no need to piece with a gold ring or use it within a recovery period. A perfect alternative is medical steel; after this period you can change it for gold, gilding, silver, titanium or niobium.

A navel doesn’t require much time for recovery!

Even a usual open wound may be skinned over in half a year at the least. Sometimes more time is required depending of external factors and human’s peculiarities. That’s why read the conditions and recommendations you will have to comply with to make a decision.

Piercing doesn’t harm your health

This statement is half-truthful. If you followed all the prescriptions and you hadn’t any negative aftereffects, then you can surely claim that.

Other cases, such as poor post – piercing period care leads to a number of infections, including HIV.

Individual tolerance of anesthetic components is also the principle factor which should be taken into account before the procedure;

change piercing

A navel piercing is a threat to viscera of female reproductive system

This myth is justified by people to do nothing with human anatomy. A womb and other viscera are protected by the abdominal membrane. So, such worries are groundless.

A navel piercing: To be or not to be?

Each conscious woman should make a decision she won’t regret about in future. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of and more and more people are ready to go through this. One of the important rules is not to pierce if you don’t know for sure whether you need it or not.

Besides, it’s recommended to pierce ear lobules as early as possible through a softness of cartilage tissues. As to the nave, it better to leave this idea up to your sexual maturation.

A lot of doctors advise to perform this procedure if you are already a mother and you don’t plan to have a baby in future. However, everybody knows that women’s belly is not so perfect after the childbirth.

Well, everyone has a right to act as they want. If you are ready to do the puncture on the navel and you don’t have any contraindications, then go ahead! But in case such desire may lead to some negative consequences, then it’s better to use some other methods to be attractive and sexual.


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