Home Beauty Face masks to get rid of wrinkles

Face masks to get rid of wrinkles

face mask

Anti-aging face masks are an effective remedy to get rid of wrinkles. Today, you’re going to know the best masks made at home. In fact, domestic masks surpass any expensive cosmetic product.

Effective masks contain feeding moisturizing components as far as the main reason of wrinkles on one’s face is loss of skin elasticity and tonus as a result of its dehydration. Moreover, such masks prevent the loss of elastic fibers to be resulted in wrinkles and face oval diffusion.

Required components

So, which masks are the most effective one? First of all such masks should contain feeding and moistening components, such as, egg yolk, vegetable and cosmetic oils. Fruit puree and etcetera. Secondly, face masks, normally, contain components for elastic skin: honey, clay and gelatin (natural source of active collagen).

How to do such masks at home?

  1. Prepare face masks right before their application because active components lose their properties too quickly.
  2. It’s necessary to cleanse the skin by means of soft gel to let all components penetrate it easily.
  3. Apply such mask for 30 minutes and then wash your face with cool water.
  4. To make it more effective, use this mask in the evening before going to bed.
  5. Don’t apply face mask too often as far as it slows down all metabolic processes. Use 2 masks per week.
  6. There is no sense to apply only one mask to get rid of wrinkles. Change then once in two weeks.

 Masks recipes

 Cucumber masks

Grate a half of medium-sized cucumber and add 1 tablespoon of almond oil as it’s very effective against any wrinkles. Add a yolk. Beat up all ingredients and apply on your face and neck. Leave this mask for 40 minutes and apply a moisturizing cream after this procedure.

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Cucumber masks

Face masks with bee wax

Take bee wax, 1 teaspoon of honey, a middle-sized bulb. Meld down the wax and let it cool a little to get a play dough consistency. You will need a tablespoon of the wax. While it’s melting, grate the bulb to get 2 tablespoons of sap.  Mix all ingredients and apply on your face for 10 minutes. Remove it with a damp napkin.

A face mask with red caviar

This product is quite expensive as it contains many useful omega-acids. You will need a tablespoon of the caviar and 1 spoon of oil (olive or almond as a base). Smash the caviar and mix it with oil. Apply it on the face for 20-25 minutes. It’s better to lie down for a while as the product is rather fluid one. If it’s expensive product for you, take cod-liver oil. You can use it as it is without any oils. Just oil it on your face. Apply these 4 masks (2 of them once in a week).

A face mask with red caviar

Gelatinous masks

Gelatin contains active collagen a lot of expensive cosmetic products also have. It is the best ingredient to get rid of wrinkles. As far as the application of this technology has a specific character, we prepared a special material to let you know all about this extremely effective mask.

Face masks for dry skin

Traditionally, oils are the ingredients of home-made masks which help to smooth out wrinkles and make a skin more elastic.

Grape seed oil is a perfect remedy for such cases. Take a tablespoon of this oil, heat it up a little, and add 3-4 drops of essential oils (rose and sandal). Mix the ingredients and apply on the wrinkles. Leave this mask for the while night.

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Home-made mask with curds and kiwi

(Valeria, a reader of our blog, advised this mask). A lot of people believe it to be a very useful remedy. You will need fatty domestic curds (it’s better to buy it at the street) and kiwi – 2 tablespoons of curds, 1 kiwi (smashed or grated). Mix these 2 products and scrub your face. Then apply this mask after all steps. Leave it for half an hour. Then wash your face with cool water. Don’t use any cream after this mask. Use it at night 2-3 times per week (10 times).

mask with curds and kiwi

Face masks with olive oil

Olive oil is well-known for its healing properties. It has a positive effect on wrinkled skin. Warm up 1 tablespoon of this oil till body temperature and add 1tablespoon of fruit puree or kiwi optionally. Leave this mask for 30-40 minutes then wash your face.

Aloe mask

Aloe can smooth and tone up our skin in short time and it also removes all deep winkles. To prepare this mask you will need 2 tablespoons of aloe sap (you can buy it in a drugstore or grape aloe leaves and squeeze the sap through gauze). Also add 1 tablespoon of fatty cream and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix all components and apply on your face for 30 minutes. Then just blot your face with a napkin and leave it for the while night.

Aloe mask

Fruit masks

Such masks are rich in vitamins and amino-acids. They strengthen our skin and tone it up at the same time. Take 2 tablespoons of green apple puree and 1 tablespoon of olive oil – mix the products and heat up this mixture on a water bath till 36-37 degrees. Apply it on your face and neck skin. Wash the face in 30 minutes with warm and cold water. You can take any fruit: avocado, banana, peach, berries (raspberries, black-currant, blackberries, or strawberries).

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Face masks after 25 years

After 25 a women still has elastic skin but she can notice some wrinkles on her face. An egg can help you to get rid of these small problems. Mix 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons of wheat brans and a teaspoon of olive oil. Wash it from your face in half an hour.

masks to get rid of wrinkles

A perfect face mask for any age

This mask is very effective as it damps and feeds our skin.  The mask includes the next ingredients: 1 tablespoon of white clay and fatty sour cream. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and softening honey. Keep on your face till the complete clay drying and wash it with cool water.

Masks for skin around eyes

Wrinkles around eyes cause a lot of esthetic discomfort for each woman. To cope with this problem you can use flax or almond oils. Take 1 tablespoon of one of this oil and add 2-3 drops of essential oil of neroli and rose. Apply this mixture along massage lines around eyes (on a superior eyelid,  moving from external eye corner to a bridge of nose; and on bottom eyelid – from internal eye corner to the external one) and nasolabial triangle.  Leave it for 1 hour and then remove the rests of oil with a napkin.


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