Home Beauty Splitting hair. Trasitional remedies of care about splitting hair

Splitting hair. Trasitional remedies of care about splitting hair

Splitting hair

The main reason of splitting hair (split) is improper care, wrong diet or dehydration.

This problem appears if you don’t get regular haircuts. Nutrients arrive to hair through head skin and distribute evenly through the length of your hair. However, long hair (more than 30 cm),  doesn’t get enough resources. Therefore ends of hair split and break off.

It necessary to trim the hair tips at least:

  • dry and mixed hair – every 1.5 months;
  • usual or greasy – every 3 months.

The regular trimming of hair is especially important during summer months.

Hair may start to split for many reasons.  For example, because of application of very rigid brush with  sharp battlements, influence of chemical preparations (coloring, a wave) direct sunshine, sea and chlorinated water, frequent use of the hot hair dryer or electronippers.

Hair with a paint has usually scaly layer. It is injured on all length. Processes of resource and air supplying are broken.

splitting hairDry or over dried hair needs special care. Hair needs application of special emulsions after each washing with shampoos. Trichologist can appoint reception of microcells and vitamins (first of all it is necessary to restore mineral balance in an organism with a help of vitamins and minerals additives and healthy nutrition), also medical masks and special shampoos for restoration of hair structure.

The best way to treat them is regular haircuts and moistening. Special tools and hairstyle (including hot scissors) are applied for restoration of split ends. Haircuts have to be regular (once in 6-8 weeks).

Haircut with Hot Scissors

Hot scissors are the best tools to cut split ends (warmed up to the temperature about 140 °C).  Ordinary scissors cut off a hair tip more plainly, but hot ones do them a little bit round. Hair is more lively and beautiful, ends of hair look tidier.

Hot scissors are manufactured from a special alloy which make device absolutely safe for the person. Temperature, is selected depending on type of hair: more cool – for thin and hotter — for thick and rigid.

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Haircut with hot scissorsOrdinary hairdresser’s scissors with sharp edges are quite suitable for a haircut of ends of hair. They can’t injure hair. But it is problem, if scissors are not sharp. They may really spoil hair. They may cause emergence of fibrous edge and split ends. Sharpness of edges is a more important factor than their temperature. Also you may treat your overdried or strongly injured hair at home.

Traditional Remedies for Care of Split Ends

  • In addition to shampoos or instead of them

Sour milk, serum, rye bread, egg yolks can be used at washing of hair. At first wash head, then rinse hair with herb conditioners or apply restoring balm.

  • Mask from kefir

Masks from kefir for the night may solve problem of fragility and splitting of hair. Apply kefir on clean and dry hair paying attention to the ends. Put on a shower cap or cellophane, then tie head with a help of kerchief and go to bed. The next morning wash away kefir with a large amount of water. Don’t use dryer. This should be done once a week.Mask with kefir and yeast

  • Mask with kefir and yeast

Put a slice of yeast (in size of little finger) into 1/4 of glasses of kefir (fat-free kefir for greasy hair, greasy kefir for dry hair). Mix, put it in a warm place and it must begin to ferment. Apply the received substance on hair and leave it for 30 minutes, then wash away with shampoo.

  • Decoction of aira and burdock roots

Put 2 tablespoons of aira roots and roots of a burdock into 1.5 l. of water. Boil it for 20 minutes. Filter for 6 hours.  Rub it into scalp for strengthening of hair and splitting hair.

  • Substance from cabbage, lemon and spinach juices

It is useful rub into scalp the juice of a cabbage, lemon and spinach in equal proportions.

  • Substance of burdock, castor oils and lemon or birch juices

It is possible to correct thinner and broke off hair. Cut off ends of hair. Rub into scalp burdock and castor oil (1 teaspoon) with lemon or birch juice (2 teaspoons) daily.

  • Poultice of olive oil and lemon juice

Apply poultice of olive oil for dry and frangible hair once a month. Pour in a small pan a little bit of oil, than put it on a bowl with hot water. It is good to add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Rub in warm substance into a clean scalp. Head is covered by a plastic cap and wrapped up with a warm towel. Leave it for 1-2 hours.Poultice of olive oil and lemon juice

  • Oil poultice with lemon or birch juices

Mix 50 g. of any vegetable oil and some drops of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of birch juice. Heat substance in a water bath. Rub it into roots of hair, wrap up head and leave it for 2 hours. Wash head with shampoo and rinse with the acidified water (1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or some drops of a lemon on 1 l. of water).

  • Mask from egg yolk with castor oil

Masks for hair from 1 well shaken up yolk and 1 tablespoon of castor oil will be good for dry, fragile and exhausted hair. Leave such mask for 3 hours on hair, wrap up them in a towel for warming and wash up head with soap. This mask is effective against dandruff too.

  • Mask from henna

Henna is one of the most popular remedies for strengthening of hair. This recipe can be read directly on a packaging. Mask from henna fastens squama of hair, strengthening them and making them thicker.

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Try using poultice 2 times a month before washing of hair.

Mask from henna

  • Oil poultice

Splitting hair like burdock, castor, almond, olive or any other vegetable oil. Apply it to your hair, wrap up with cellophane, then use towel and leave it for 1 hour. Wash your hair and apply shaken-up fresh egg or sour milk. At the end of procedure rinse hair with a camomile infusion or water with a little bit of lemon juice.

Vegetable oil is very useful for dry hair, it delivers vitamins E and P, which necessary for them in roots.

You may use also similar methods to make poultice.

  • Poultice from burdock oil with egg yolk, honey and brandy

Prepare mix from 1 tablespoon of burdock oil, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cognac and apply it on hair. Wrap up the head with cellophane and then warm head using terry towel. Leave it for 1 hour then wash your hair with shampoo. Rinse using water with lemon juice. This poultice helps restore dry hair.Poultice from burdock oil with egg yolk, honey and brandy

  • Egg-oil poultice with juice of onion and honey

Shake up 1 egg yolk, add 1 tablespoon of onions juice, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of honey. Application – see the previous recipe.

  • Oil-egg poultice with honey, henna and cognac

Mix 1 yolk with sunflower (olive) oil, honey, henna powder and cognac (1 teaspoon for all components). Apply to similarly previous recipes.

  • Poultice from leaves of aloe with honey, egg yolk and brandy

Сhop leaf of an aloe in the meat grinder. Mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of castor oil and 1 egg yolk. Add 1 teaspoon of cognac.

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Masks with such structure will recover to hair gloss and health. For receiving result it is necessary to do masks once a week for 2 hours. A course of treatment is six procedures.

  • Herbal conditioners for splitting hair

Hair can be rinsed with an infusion of a birch leaf, sage, lime color, dandelion, camomile and plantain after washing: put 1 tablespoon of sliced plants into 1 glass of boiled water.  Leave it before it cool down and filter.

Herbal conditioners for splitting hairAlso it is possible make substance from flowers and leaves of a dandelion, 1 part of a grass of a sage and 1 part of a herb of a plantain. Put 1 tablespoon of substance into a thermos and pour 1 glass of boil water. Leave it  for 1.5 — 2 hours. Apply it as conditioner after each washing of head.


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