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Anniversaries… What Gifts are Appropriate for Each Year?

How are wedding anniversaries celebrated?


Weddings are one of the most exciting events of our lives, a magical and unforgettable, beautiful and extraordinarily event. Two loving hearts combine at these days into a single union. Joys, hopes, concerns will be common between the young husband and wife. Weddings are celebrated powerfully. This celebration is traditional for almost all people of the world. Champagne, an abduction of a bride and ransom, cheery cries: “Kiss!” – are a familiar exclamation, which become an attribute of each new wedding.

What everyone doesn’t know is that new weddings are not only the only time for big celebration of this union. The day of creation of a family can be celebrated annually. Husband and wife with significant experience become newlyweds again on these days. Every such wedding anniversary has its own name and own traditions of celebration. They are oriented on number of years lived together. Of course, these jubilees are celebrated, if husband and wife could build harmonious relations and create a fairly strong family. Weddings can not be celebrated after 5 years of a bad life together. Such holidays will be dull and bring only regret of making the wrong choice.Wedding jubilees

How are Wedding Anniversaries Celebrated?

We will not talk about something sad. Let’s talk about varieties of wedding anniversaries in happy families.  Such anniversaries are being celebrated from 1 to 100 years of married life. Wedding jubilees are celebrated especially solemnly after thirty years of life together. The first wedding is one of the most significant mile markers of life for those who lived side by side for so many years.

Wedding anniversaries have various names: chintz and paper, leather and wood, copper and glass, golden, silver and pearl! Each name of a wedding jubilee is symbolic and have meaning… For example, the glass wedding is celebrated after fifteen years. Such name signifies the fact that glass can be extraordinarily good-looking and fragile. Therefore, spouses have to be restrained and attentive to protect the family.

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The silver wedding is celebrated after twenty-five years. Love and dedication have been already tested by time. Silver is a precious and tough metal possessing by healing properties.

wedding anniversaries“The canvas wedding” is a quite unusual name of the jubilee which is being celebrated after thirty-five years of the first wedding. But it also has its own meaning. Family is becoming a single body in this period. Such family is woven as canvas from a lot of threads such as: husband, wife, children, grandchildren and sometimes even great-grandchildren.

The wedding jubilees which are celebrated after this term are specified by pointedly names: ruby and diamond, stone and iron, precious and red, etc. Each of these jubilees signifies a certain stage of married life and each of them is an anthem of love tested by time.

Which Gifts are Given at Wedding Anniversaries?

Weddings anniversaries are different, therefore congratulation are focused on each jubilee. Gifts from calico and flax are the most suitable at the calico wedding. Gifts must be made from glass and paper at paper wedding. Things made from copper are given at copper wedding. Family is solid as copper after seven years of common life.

Gifts from silver are given at the silver wedding. Products from pearls are presented at thirty years after the wedding. Gold is given for golden wedding. It is desirable to give diamonds for this wedding, but everybody doesn’t have a lot of money for such a gift.  Therefore, diamond and golden weddings are not required some special symbolism of gifts. So, you may give your spouse anything which will bring joy to them.

Also, you may give greeting cards for all wedding anniversaries. Greeting cards can be found in a great variety for today, so you may choose one which will be maximally corresponding to a solemn moment. Of course, inscriptions in these cards must be suitable: jolly, very benevolent and oriented to certain jubilee. The card will become a bright, memorable surprise which they can keep for all their life. For example, you may write a beautiful congratulation:

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I want get to know where elixir for happiness!
Can be love stronger?!
Today is a wedding anniversary,
Spouses have passed
through boredom of years,
bad weathers and troubles
So, get complete and lively happiness
We sincerely wish you everything!
You are so young and bright
Best wishes for a happy life together!!!

Wedding jubilees are celebratedIn other words, it is not enough which wedding anniversary will be celebrated. It is desirable to get an overview about kind of gifts for certain jubilee. You may give canvas towels at “glass wedding”. You will be well-informed in all types of wedding anniversaries after reading this article. So, you will go with an appropriate gift to such an unforgettable celebration.

What are the Symbols for Each Anniversary?

  • The wedding of 0 years is the green wedding
  • The wedding of 1 year is the calico wedding
  • The wedding of 2 years is the paper wedding
  • The wedding of 3 years is the leather wedding
  • The wedding of 4 years is the flax (wax) wedding
  • The wedding of 5 years is the wooden wedding
  • The wedding of 6 years is the cast Iron (the wedding of rowan, cypresses) wedding
  • The wedding of 7 years is the copper wedding
  • The wedding of 8 years is the tin (poppy) wedding
  • The wedding of 9 years is the faience wedding
  • The wedding of 10 years is the pink (the amber, tin wedding) wedding
  • The wedding of 11 years is the Steel wedding
  • The wedding of 12 years is the Nickel (a silk one) wedding
  • The wedding of 13 years is the Lace (wool) wedding
  • The wedding of 14 years is the Agate wedding
  • The wedding of 15 years is the glass (crystal) wedding
  • Wedding of 16 years doesn’t exist
  • The wedding of 17 years is the tin wedding
  • The wedding of 18 years is the turquoise wedding
  • The wedding of 19 years is the krypton wedding
  • The wedding of 20 years is the porcelain wedding
  • The wedding of 21 year is the opal wedding
  • The wedding of 22 years is the bronze wedding
  • The wedding of 23 years is the beryl wedding
  • The wedding of 24 years is the satin wedding
  • The wedding of 25 years is the silver wedding
  • The wedding of 26 years is the jade wedding
  • The wedding of 27 years is the mahogany wedding
  • Wedding for 28 years is not celebrated
  • The wedding of 29 years is the velvet wedding
  • The wedding of 30 years is the pearl wedding
  • The wedding of 31 year is the swarthy wedding
  • Weddings of 32 and 33 years are not celebrated
  • The wedding of 34 years is the amber wedding
  • The wedding of 35 years is (coral) canvas wedding
  • Wedding of 36 years doesn’t exist
  • The wedding of 37 years is the muslin wedding
  • The wedding of 38 years is the mercury wedding
  • The wedding of 39 years is the crepe wedding
  • The wedding of 40 years is the ruby wedding
  • The wedding of 41 year is not celebratedweddings for years
  • The wedding of 42 years is the mother-of-pearl wedding
  • The wedding of 43 years is the flannel wedding
  • The wedding of 44 years is the topaz wedding
  • The wedding of 45 years is the sapphire (scarlet) wedding
  • The wedding of 46 years is the lavender wedding
  • The wedding of 47 years is the cashmere wedding
  • The wedding of 48 years is the amethyst wedding
  • The wedding of 49 years is the cedars wedding
  • The wedding of 50 years is the golden wedding
  • The wedding of 55 years is the emerald wedding
  • The wedding of 60 years is the diamond (platinum) wedding
  • The wedding of 65 years is the iron wedding
  • The wedding of 70 years is the favored wedding
  • The wedding of 75 years is the crown (the latter, alabastrine one) wedding
  • The wedding of 80 years is the oak wedding
  • The wedding of 100 years is the red wedding
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