Home Health Wondering if You’re Pregnant? Here Are the Top Pregnancy Tests to Trust

Wondering if You’re Pregnant? Here Are the Top Pregnancy Tests to Trust

best pregnancy tests

Nowadays pregnancy tests are widespread among women who want to convince, whether they are pregnant or not. Express diagnostics is a simple procedure to be applied anywhere.


Modern pregnancy tests. Truthful express tests to detect pregnancy

There are 4 types of pregnancy tests nowadays:

  1. Strip tests (strips to immerse into a container with urine) at the price of $0.08-1.5; 25 mME/ml of sensitivity.
  2. Flatbed tests (a device with a hollow to gather several urine drops) at the price of $0.8-2.3; 10 mME/ml of sensitivity.
  3. Stream Pregnancy test – put it under the urine stream. The price of such test is $ 2.3-4; 10 mME/ml of sensitivity
  4. New generation electronic (digital) test: reusable, at the price of $ 2.8-14.

Nowadays drugstores provide us with diverse domestic and foreign tests to detect the pregnancy at any price and design.

Each woman wants to buy such modern and truthful device. How to choose the best one?

The best foreign tests

The list of the best pregnancy tests: Frautest, Evitest, Clearblue.

pregnancyFrautest is the most popular test if you are looking for an express diagnosis (Human Gesellschaft, Germany). It is considered to be the most truthful as well. There are different forms of these tests: “FRAUTEST Express” and “FRAUTEST Double control”; (strips tests) at the price of $ 0.5-1.5; “FRAUTEST Expert” – flatbed test at the price of $ 1.5 – 2; “FRAUTEST COMFORT” and “FRAUTEST EXCLUSIVE” – stream tests at the price of $ 2-5.

Evitest – (Helm, Germany) are also very popular. They have a wide line of production. “Evitest №1” and “Evitest Plus №2” strip tests – at the price of $ 2.5-3; “Evitest Perfect” stream test at the price of $2.

“ClearBlue tests” (Unipass Ltd.) are expensive; however this digital product is remarkable for its great precision to detect pregnancy 5-6 days before a missed period. The price for “ClearBlue” tests runs about $10-13.

The best Russian tests

Pregnancy tests and medicines, medical devices are registered in State Control Department of Medicines and Medical equipment in Russia and need to be certified. Up to this moment, Russian market provides 6 home and 23 foreign producers’ pregnancy tests. Unfortunately, Russian producers have a small number of such types of products and yield Germany and USA due to its low quality and sensitivity.

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strip testAt present Russian brands are quite popular (“Bee sure-s”-test strips), to be produced by Progressive Biomedical technologies.

Rating of the most truthful test

  • Single-stage test (HCG)(“Bee sure-s”)

Progressive Biomedical technologies Ltd., Russia-25 mME/ml of sensitivity at the price $ 0.2. This product is widespread among women as it shows great precision. It doesn’t require special conditions to use. It is necessary to dip a strip into a clean container with urine up to the checkpoint for 2-10 minutes.


I used it 3 times and 3 days running, starting from the 1st day of delay. At first, I saw one band, only one….but in 2-3 minutes I saw the other one indistinctly. At the 5th day of delay, the test showed clearly 2 bands and it definitely removed all my doubts.

Besides, there are a lot of inaccurate tests to show weak band, practically insensible. Personally, I had such an experience with “Vera test”.

I bought this test at random; I asked for a test that was low in price. At the 3rd day of delay, it showed a clear second band. Well, I had no doubts of my pregnancy; I keep it in our family album.

Strip-test to detect human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (EAKS/Russia)

  • Flatbed test Biocard HCG (Dialat Ltd., Russia)

It uses a set of reagents to detect pregnancy at the price of $ 1 – 1.5. It consists of special plastic cassette pencil with a hollow for urine drops and a pipette.


I believe Biocard HCG (Dialat Ltd., Russia) to be the most sensitive as it detects pregnancy before the missed period! It showed 2 bands, 2 days before the missed period – an excellent result, in spite of the fact it is a Russian product. Besides, I used two tests day by day and Evitest couldn’t detect any positive result.

  • Strip Test HCG-IHA- Recipe (Recipe, Russia)

The price is $ 0.2-0.3. This is a top express home test to detect pregnancy. It is very convenient to use – immerse the strip into the urine container up to the checkpoint; the result is ready in 3-5 minutes.

  • Strip test HCG-IHA-Vera – (Factor-Honey, Russia)

20 mME/ml of sensitivity at the price of $0.08-0.12. This test is quite known in Russia and is remarkable for its low price.

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A weak and unfit test… I bought it as I couldn’t find the “Bee Sure-s” test that I like so much. When you dip it into the container with urine it absorbs the liquid so long and then…. it showed me a negative result. I couldn’t believe it. I bought another Evitest and the result was the same….

detect pregnancyOksana:
I was shocked when I saw 2 bands a day before my period. Medics told me these tests are wrong from time to time. I will never buy it again!

I cannot forget my negative experience when I saw 2 bands. That day I broke up with my boyfriend, and then I bought this test to be sure I was really free. The test showed 2 bands. Thank God the doctor excluded the pregnancy.

  • Vera-Plus (IHA HCG Factor) – “Factor-Honey”, Russia

A stream test (pencil) of 20 mME/ml of sensitivity at the price of $ 1.2-1.6.

It should be noted that this test is at a disadvantage comparing with the price of other tests of the same brand. But it is very convenient to use: you may put it under the urine stream or into a container with urine.


A stream test is much more convenient than a strip test. However, the last one has a lower price. I used it 2 times when I had missed my period. The results were negative both times at the 2nd and the 5th days. I would like to advise you to buy several tests in different places and choose different producers. Pay attention to the expireration date. The more fresh your test, the more truthful the results.

I agree with the previous comment. One more recommendation: do not ask a pharmacist to advise you on a test as they are interested in profit only. In general – there is no difference between expensive and cheap tests but pay attention to the usage method: strip or stream tests.

  • Strip-test IHA HCG EACS (Farma-test, Russia)

A simple strip tests to be used by dipping it into a container with urine. The result is visible within 5-7 minutes.

  • “Bee-sure-s” test strip – Farma-Honey, PLC Russia

20 mME/ml of sensitivity at the price of $ 0.08-0.14.

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This is a very interesting test to detect pregnancy even if you are a man!!! The price is low thus I bought several tests. I used it on the 2nd day of my delay and it showed 1 band, a little bit later I saw the 2nd one. I decided to visit a doctor. Unfortunately, I wasn’t pregnant. My husband also used this test – he was pregnant!

pregnancy testIrina:
Absolutely agree! It shows incorrect results. I don’t understand! Why do they produce it? My friend has been taking a course to get rid of sterility and she was disappointed so much when she used it.

This test detected negative result when I was already pregnant at the initial terms.

As for me, I am satisfied with this test as it detected the long-awaited pregnancy. Actually, the result depends on many factors. It showed me a real truth! I am happy.

False tests

We talked about home and foreign test and their prices at the Russian market. However, a high price doesn’t guarantee the truthful results. Unfortunately, even expensive tests sometimes are wrong. Fortunately, thanks to women’s commentaries, each lady has a possibility to learn whether this or that test is truthful or not.

Tests of Russian producers to show positive results in case of pregnancy absence:

  • «Vera»;
  • «Bee-Sure».

false testsTests of foreign producers to show positive results in case of pregnancy absence:

  • «Eva-test»;
  • «Evitest»;
  • «Mon Ami»;
  • «I-test»;
  • «ВВ test»;
  • «Baby check».

Tests of Russian producers to show negative results in case you are already pregnant:

  • «Bee-Sure»;
  • «Eva Test»;
  • «I-test»;
  • «Fray test».

Rating of the most sensitive pregnancy tests (home and foreign):

  • «Fray test» (positive result 6 days before the delay);
  • «Clear Blue» (positive result 5 days before the delay);
  • «Be sure»;
  • « Distinctness»;
  • «BB Test»;
  • «Ladie’s test»;
  • «BonaDea»;
  • «Evitest»;
  • «Know Now»;
  • «Mon Ami»;
  • «Mini strip».


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