Home Health Ovulating: The Top 4 Signs

Ovulating: The Top 4 Signs

Ovulation Symptoms

If you are planning to become pregnant, it is important to know the symptoms of when you are ovulating. A woman has the best chance of becoming pregnant during ovulation as it is the time during which an egg is released from the ovaries into the uterus.

Symptoms of ovulation

The best way to know when your most fertile are to pay close attention to the following symptoms:

Ovulation pain

Ovulatory syndrome is the official name for the ovulation symptoms set. As a rule, it combines ovulatory pain – sharp spasms or underbelly pain that is present 2 weeks before menstruation. This pain can last anywhere from a few minutes up to 2 hours. Some women that will suffer from this pain for up to 2 days. Approximately, 20 percent of women complain to a doctor about ovulatory pain.

Currently, the causes of ovulatory pain are unknown. It is believed it happens because of mucous membrane irritation during the release of the egg. Ovulatory syndrome happens each month or from time to time. If you faced this pain for the first time, it is recommended to consult your doctor to rule out an infection or some other more serious problems.


Cervical mucus change

While it is not convenient to examine your vaginal discharge, these simple manipulations may help you to define fertile days. Cervical mucus is formed in the cervical channel and it changes according to the phase of a cycle. Sometimes you can see the changes on underwear or toilet paper. You can estimate your vaginal discharge by touching the vulva or you may carefully insert a clean finger into the vagina.

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If you control a modification of cervical mucus during the whole period, you can see some regularity. Right after menstruation, there is a lot of discharge; its amount is reduced in a little period after and it has a sticky consistency. It becomes diluted with whitish and yellowish shade. Within some days, before ovulation starts, they become transparent, slippery and elastic.

This is the window when there is a high possibility of conceiving! After the ovulation cycle has completed, discharges become sticky again and vanish completely until the next cycle. Some women produce a little cervical mucus, so it is hard to follow up any modifications. Moreover, various contraceptives and vaginal suppositories complicate cervical mucus observation process.

Women, after surgery on the neck of the womb, during nursing or with the cessation of taking contraceptives (pills, plasters, Depo-Provera), cannot produce cervical mucus in a proper way. Even vaginal infections trouble its research and mislead lots of women. When you see slippery, transparent cervical mucus, it means you are going to start ovulation: you can conceive within some days before it and 3 days after this window. A probability to conceive is low when you have “dry days”.


 Body Temperature Change

Body Temperature Change may be one symptom of ovulation. You have to take your basal temperature in the morning after you’ve slept. During and right after ovulation, your basal temperature goes up. To use this method, you need a thermometer (0.1 degrees of division value).

You can buy a package for temperature measurement in a drug store. Take your temperature every day when you wake up; before you get out of bed. Do not use electric blanket, as they change your body temperature; use a special graphic to mark the results. After 3 months of basal temperature taking and writing down the results, you can have a general idea of your organism peculiarities.

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Within 2 weeks before menstruation, you may notice your basal temperature rising by 0.4-0.8 degrees. It indicates ovulation has happened. Your basal temperature will remain high, up to the next cycle. It indicates also the most fertile days: 3 days before basal temperature rising and first day after it.

ovulation test

Hormones Level Change

During your menstrual cycle, Luteinizing Hormone (LH) growth alarms ovaries to leave egg cell. Ovulation takes place within 12-24 hours after the highest amount of Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Drugstores provide you with special tests to detect ovulation at home. It is based on a high level of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in one’s urine. To do this, you need to put a test into the urine stream or into your collected urine (dry container) for some seconds (depending on test type).

Now you can see a result. Usually, ovulation pack consists of several sample tests to be enough for 5 days to do tests. You should use them in the middle of your menstrual cycle (2 weeks before you begin menstruation). You can also define the beginning of ovulation. Your fertile days are within 3 days before Luteinizing Hormone (LH) goes up and 1 or 2 days after it.


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