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Whiteheads on Your Face? Why You Get Them and How You Can Get Rid of Them!

Whiteheads on the face

The problem of whiteheads is quite common. This kind of acne does not cause any trouble or discomfort; it is a common cosmetic defect. Whiteheads, or milia, represent the accumulation of subcutaneous sebaceous glands, sweat and dead skin particles that clog the pores. At the touch they are like a grain of white color.

Most often they can be seen on the eyelids and cheeks (malar area). In most cases, they appear on the face alone, but there can be quite significant accumulations of large “specimen”.

Causes of Whiteheads

The main factor that triggers the formation of milia on the face is the accumulation of sebum in the sebaceous gland lobules, which in turn leads to its stretch, so that its contents are starting to show through the cuticle, forming a whitish nodule. To cut a long story short, a whitehead is a small plug that clogs the ducts of the sebaceous gland. In most cases, whiteheads occur as a side effect of hormonal disorders and hereditary factors.

Today, most scientists agree that under the plug of sebaceous secretions and “dirt” reproduction of surviving bacteria happens, resulting in a whitehead after a few days. Such acne can not only appear on the face but also on the body.

whiteheadsIt is impossible to insure that you will never get this form of acne, and if you have some appear, removing them by yourself is not recommended, as they differ significantly from pimples, and as a result of extrusion you can seriously damage the skin and create a red scar. Therefore, you should consult a beautician or dermatologist.

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads

It is clear that in removing whiteheads you can trust only a beautician. First the specialist dries the skin area with milia, and then with well-disinfected instruments (special needle) reveals the whiteheads and it eliminates them with pressing movements. After the procedure, this area of ​​skin is treated with alcohol. It is important that this procedure is carried out by an expert, because of the high probability of infection.

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Removing whiteheads can be held through exfoliation. Here they use peels or ointments, which are selected individually by a beautician.

You can try to remove milia by yourself be treating them with iodine for several nights in a row. Also suitable for the procedure are camphor alcohol and cologne. The skin must be prepared before it, namely with steam (steam baths) and washed with soap. In the morning within a few days the skin lesions should be treated with salicylic or camphor alcohol or cologne. A few days after this the skin, under which there is a whitehead, bursts, and the content comes out safely.

How to get rid of whiteheadsWith sharp needles, disinfected with boiling water and alcohol, you can manually remove a single whitehead. Removing large accumulation of acne is better done by the professionals. So, the skin over the milium must be carefully punctured, while the needle should be parallel to the skin; you lift the needle upwards and break the epidermis. It should be noted that prior the skin must be thoroughly cleaned and steamed out, and treated with iodine after the procedure.

In addition to this method, dermatologists recommend using a combination of drugs of topical application, for example, Klenzit. Thanks to gel consistency, the drug penetrates deep into the center of inflammation and adapalene and clindamycin have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, providing visible results.

Preventing Whiteheads

To avoid the problem of whiteheads on the face and many other problems it is important to regularly and thoroughly take care of your own skin. Daily cleaning (twice a day), disinfection, moisturizing and protection from adverse effects and damage are the main secrets of success. To cleanse the skin you should apply gels, foams and lotions, suitable for your skin type. It is better to give preference to remedies, in which there is salicylic acid and alpha hydro acid that contribute to more effective cleansing of pores. After washing, be sure to wipe the skin using a tonic. This not only removes dirt residues, but also closes the pores and saturates the skin with moisture. In addition, two times a week it is recommended to use a cleansing mask.

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In addition to skin care you should include deep cleaning using scrubs on a soft base that gently exfoliates dead cell layer. Twice a week would be sufficient. Scrub should be applied in a circular motion on wet skin, paying special attention to problem areas.

Causes of whiteheads.Regardless of skin type, after cleaning your skin you must moisturize. To do this, creams and emulsions of appropriate action are perfect. Also, for the owners of skin prone to the appearance of whiteheads it is recommended to use antibacterial agents.

Once a week it is recommended to use a steam bath for the face. Steam has a soothing effect on the skin, expanding the pores, which facilitates the process of cleansing the skin of makeup, dirt, dust, grease residue, and dead skin cells. For a steam bath you need to mix two tablespoons of chamomile flowers, marigold, sage and valerian herbs, pour a liter of boiling water, put it on fire. It is better to use an enamel bowl. The mixture is boiled at low heat for twenty minutes, then strained and poured into a deep dish. You then need to sit for five to seven minutes over the steam, covered with a towel. After steaming the skin, you can use a special tool to remove the acne (extractor) and fatty secretions. After its application the skin becomes smooth and clean.

Preventing whiteheadsTo avoid this problem of the skin it is important to prevent clogging of the sebaceous glands. And for this you need to follow a diet with restriction of fat, flour and sweet food. All the “bad” foods must be replaced with fermented milk, lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meat, and black bread. In addition, it is recommended to take vitamins of group A and B.

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If you decide to fight with whiteheads, you must be prepared for the fact that this process will not be quick. Incidentally, air bath and ultraviolet irradiation are especially useful.

To maintain a normal level of moisture and ensure the elimination of toxins, it is important to follow a drinking regimen, that is, drinking at least two liters of clean drinking water a day.

Avoid using oil-based make-up, as this could trigger the accumulation of fat in the hair follicles.

An excellent prevention of whiteheads is facial masks with paraffin (hypoallergenic white wax). This procedure stimulates the sweat and sebaceous glands; the temperature of forty degrees Celsius helps to soften sebaceous plugs, removes the acne, reduces swelling and smooths fine lines.

For those whose skin is predisposed to the appearance of milia, it may be advisable once a day to treat the face with special solution prepared from a mixture of 50 g of five percent solution of boric acid, 50 g of cologne and 2 g of glycerol or of a mixture of 40 ml of water, two tablespoons of tincture of calendula, 30 g cologne and 1g glycerol.

Removing whiteheadsTo treat the skin with whiteheads, you can use a self-prepared cream: squeeze out the juice of minced fresh raspberry leaves. Take a teaspoon of juice and combine with 40 g of boric Vaseline. This ointment should be used to treat the skin at night. For this purpose you can use a different recipe of a home-made cream: two teaspoons of liquid honey mix with one teaspoon of tincture of calendula and the same amount of fresh juice from the berries of Viburnum. The resulting mixture should be used on the affected areas two to three times a day. However, you do not want to use this recipe if you are allergic to honey.


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