Home Home Small useful things for your kitchen. Culinary boons of October

Small useful things for your kitchen. Culinary boons of October

tools for cook

Multi – yogurt-maker, scissors for chicken, family glasses, flask – comb. We offer you top 10 October small things for your kitchen.

Editors’ opinion. Small things can make a big difference, especially in the kitchen. Of course, you can peel potatoes with a small knife, but it’s more comfortable to do it using a special vegetable peeler tool. It makes no difference which bowl you use for soup, but if it has a beautiful design, your soup is tastier.

Thus, we don’t advise you to ignore any achievements of scientific-technical progress. There is no need to buy the whole assortment of new tools, just look closely at these products and you will probably find exactly you need to simplify your daily life.

Stadler Form Quick Up

In spite of a majority of thermo pots, which combine functions of a simple electric kettle and thermos, Stadler Form Quick Up thermos pot doesn’t keep up a regular temperature or boiled water, but boils it when it is needed. It is enough to choose a small (100ml) or big (200 ml) cup and get hot water in 8 or 35 seconds. In addition, you can set up the option up to the required volume you need. Turn the regulator and choose a temperature from 60 until 100 degrees. Thus, you avoid a repeatable boiling (it is a fact that such water is not healthy); you can enjoy any drink at any moment. Moreover, such device save your money as it doesn’t run free.

Stadler Form Quick Up thermos potPrice: $154 USD

Scissors For Chicken

If you like chicken dishes, but you don’t want to dress the poultry, then you will need special OXO Poultry Shears. Ergonomic spring loaded handholds of the scissors provide a handy hold and don’t let your hand get tired.

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Scissors for chickenPrice: $31 USD

Multi Yogurt – Maker

Sour milk products are necessary for balanced feeding at any age. They help to keep a healthy microflora of gastrointestinal tract to strengthen the general immune system. VT-2602 multi – yogurt from Vitek easily cooks natural yogurt, curds and cheese at the same time. This device has 6 glass jars with twisting caps to cook and store yogurt; also it has 4 containers to cook cheese and curds. Each jar contains 165 ml to get 6 glasses of yogurt. 500 ml jar is for 2 kg of curd and cheese. This yogurt-maker has a convenient timer till 7 P.M which simplifies the cooking process: the devise notifies you when the program is over.

VT- 2602 multi – yoghurt from VitekPrice: $88 USD

The Exact Rolling Pin

Very often, we need to roll out dough to get a definite thickness. If you have a good eye, you can easily do it. In other case Joseph Adjustable Rolling Pin roller is required! This product also contains 3 discs for rolling till 2 mm, 6 mm and 10mm thickness. Using this Rolling Pin you can cook both pizza and lasagna, small pie or puff pastry for Napoleon cake.

The exact Rolling PinPrice: $24 USD

Glasses For the Whole Family

If you love and value your family then you need Family Glassware. All you need is to choose an appropriate set to have a joyful tea – drinking in future. Besides, transparent glasses with funny pictures can be a perfect hint for newly married, especially if you choose a many children set.

Family GlasswarePrice: $12 USD for 1 glass

Oil Mister

A Prepara Tabletop Oil Mister sprayer covers all the products you need with an even layer. Use it in order to keep your hands clean, to prepare vegetables for grill, chicken for baking in oven or a baking mould.

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Prepara Tabletop Oil Mister sprayerPrice: 24 USD

Smoky Flavoring

In order to get dishes with a smokey flavor, you don’t have to cook apples or nuts on the fire. Buy a special Smoking Gun flavoring to add some smoke to a product and needed flavor. It’s very easy to use this devise.  Add several chips to a special filter and turn on the device. Take a hose to the pan and you can serve the dish in several minutes.

Smoking Gun flavoringPrice: $116 USD

Comb – Flask

Bev-Brush comb is not a simple tool; it has a built – in flask you can fill in with some favorite drink to relax when you need it: Martini, Brandi, Red Wine. The flask volume makes up 184 ml. For more convenient flask filling a special funnel is enclosed.

Bev-Brush combPrice: 22 USD

Microplane Herb Mill

Verdure and vegetables should be properly pounded for any salad. It’s impossible to imagine appetizers and main courses without aromatic parsley, dill and cilantro.  Sometimes we need a lot of verdure to prepare salad dressing, filling and piroshky. Use the Microplane Herb Mill to pound verdure. Its scissors, made of stainless steel, are designed to chop the softest leaves. In a short time you can prepare all the ingredients you need without touching knife and cutting boards. This simple rotative construction saves your efforts and time!

Microplane Herb MillPrice: $23 USD

Botanical Pumpkin Loaf Pan

Autumn vegetables, such as, carrot and pumpkin are used to cook delicious pies and muffins by means of a special Botanical Pumpkin Loaf Pan mould. You need to pour the dough in the mould and put it in the oven. A sculptural bread, pie or cake will be ready in a short time. Use pumpkin and vines to decorate the baking and create an autumn atmosphere.

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Botanical Pumpkin Loaf PanPrice: $35 USD


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