Home Fashion 5 Different Ways to Get Beautifully Highlighted Hair

5 Different Ways to Get Beautifully Highlighted Hair

Hair highlighting

Before you decide to get highlighted hair, you need to examine the dying techniques thoroughly and the possible results. It is not advisable to highlight your hair by yourself unless you are a professional. A specialist is the only one that knows how to apply this or that technique and other shades of highlighting.

The principle of highlighted hair is based on separate locks dyeing with a help of foil or a special paper. As a result, your locks become lighter or darker. If you have a cascade haircut, then highlighting is a good choice. If your hair is short, it is better to use the low lighting way of locks dyeing. Do not use this method if you have geometry haircut with sharp lines. In this case, take one shade to dye hair along the full length.

 5 ways to highlight your hair

There are lots of names of highlighted hair. Kim Kardashian and Blake Lively refer to them in these simple way:

  • 1. Sun – kissed Hair

kissed HairHow to do it? This is a classical variant of highlighting by mending. Thin locks are taken in a “staggered order” to create faded effect. That is why only a top layer is colored. “As a result we get a play of light and shadow,” Mania Mohova explains.

Advice: This highlighted hair technique is perfect for curly hair to stress its structure.

  • 2. Highlighting with dark roots

This highlighted hair technique is widespread among celebrities.

Highlighting with dark rootsHow to do it? A specialist separates thin locks 1.5 – 3 cm indented. The ends are lightened additionally. “It helps to get mild and iridescent color,” Mania Mohova comments. Do not confuse this technique with “Ombre”, when a stylist dyes your hair wholly using several shades.

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Advice: Root play adds visual volume if your hair is thin by nature. This technique is also very practical as you don’t need to dye roots constantly and you may return your nature color quite easily.

  • 2 shades of highlighting

shades of highlightingHow to do it? A colorist dyes all your hair, instead of some parts. Separate locks are dyed 2 different shades (cool and warm blond colors)

Advice: This technique becomes ladies with mixed color-type, most noteworthy are women with light hair and brown eyes.

  • 3. A veil technique

A veil techniqueHow to do it? A specialist takes thin locks without any gaps at the internal layer of hair.

Advice: In this case the technique is perfect for sharp haircut contour. Your hair will look so attractive, flying away in the wind.

  • 4. Highlights

 HighlightsHow to do it? This technique is applied to one’s mind. The result, is quite unusual and unexpected. Because you entrust your hair completely to the master. A stylist dyes some curls of your dry hair just touching its curly backs slightly.

Advice: It is, especially relevant, to use this technique if you have curly hair only. However, it is not important whether it is your natural curls or if you have created them, using a curling iron.


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