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Newborn Clothes Shopping 101

All About Baby Clothing

Everything is complicated by the fact that kid’s growth, figures and body weight can be determined only in the US, but there are many mistakes to be aware of. Besides its basic weight the baby will gain from 30 weeks of pregnancy and the growth rate is quite strong. So if mommy does an ultrasound at 36 weeks and will get clothes according to these parameters, it is likely that it will be small for the newborn, because birth can occur at 42 weeks, by that time the size of the baby could change significantly. Nevertheless it is desirable to go shopping in advance, despite the various superstitions and despite the fact that many mothers do not know the size of clothing for newborns.

When to Buy Clothes for a Newborn?

When to buy clothes for a newbornVery often the grandmother insists that to buy things for the baby before birth is bad luck. The younger generation does not pay attention to such prejudices, also for this there are significant reasons. One of them is – the new mother, after giving birth, will not feel like visiting the shops in search of things for the baby, and dads or grandmothers often do not buy what is necessary, or what a mom would like. You need to take things for the baby to the hospital as well, so it is better to buy clothes even during pregnancy.

To begin with, it is desirable to take just a few things – the required minimum. The fact that kids are growing rapidly and a great deal will become little to the months of age.

One of the best tips for newborn shopping is to never buy expensive clothes because most likely the infant will grow out of the clothes very quickly. There are numerous baby items in thrift stores that offer many sizes and styles of clothes for your child at a cheap price. After all you’re going to be buying all those diapers and formula so you might as well save money somewhere.

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How to Make the Right Choice?

Before going to the store for clothes for the newborn the following should be considered:

  • approximate growth of the baby and head circumference according to the third ultrasound;
  • if the child’s mother and father are not tall, then the baby is expected to be born short;
  • a probable date of birth: clothing for premature infants about 44 or 50 size;
  • the majority of children are born with growth 49-55cm, clothing sizes for newborns at the same time is 56;
  • the seams of clothing must be external;
  • recently many mothers have refused baby’s loose jacket because they are not quite comfortable;
  • if the baby’s parents are tall, it is likely when their child is born it will be around size 62.

Note that by the month the baby, who had average parameters, grows to about 60cm and the kid already will need clothes of the size 62, and if he or she has a big wardrobe, many loose jackets and outfits will remain new.

When you choose clothes, consider also that very young babies have not yet formed a proper temperature control of the body, so even in the warmer months, you need to buy for your baby, in addition to light clothing, the warm ones.

clothes for a newborn

Head Size Guide for Babies

If the child was born at term it can be assumed that the size of his or her head will be on average 35 cm, and in the vertical dimension it is somewhere around 13 cm. When you buy or sew independently the hats for your future kid, it must be taken into account. Based on the above, the size of hats for newborns are 38-42 cm. But if the child’s parents are of large build, most likely, and the newborn will be more than usual – in this case, size 46 will suit – that is why it is good to buy a few, just in case.

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Baby’s Legs

Naturally, the size of the baby is very individual, but it is believed that the socks and the shoes can be taken lightly “for growth”. Therefore, it would be a good idea if you choose this clothing article with a ruler – measuring about 9-10cm.

The Size Range of Kid’s Envelopes

Due to the fact that the envelope is considered an integral part of the newborn’s wardrobe it is bought not for one month, but at least three. The sizes – 80cm / 80cm and 85/85 are considered the standard ones. In most cases, the baby 3-4 months will be still placed in it. But in the future you will need something a little more appropriate to the season.

The Size of Pants for Newborns

You have to buy pants and tops even before the birth of the baby, to take them with you to the hospital. Usually moms take the size of 56, but if you expect a premature baby, it can be 44 cm so buy 50 size. It is desirable to take pants with clasps (with ties are not very comfortable to use), and if you take them in the form of pants, choose a wide belt – it is ideal for your baby and it will not apply pressure to the kid’s abdomen, as usual ones.

newborns clothes

Essentials Checklist for the Spring Newborns

  1. Bodysuits with long sleeves (2-4 pieces), with clasp in the middle.
  2. Sleepsuits- overalls with closed feet (2-3 pieces) – for home use.
  3. Scratchy-mittens for hands, so the baby will not scratch the face (2 pcs).
  4. Warm hat (2 pcs) 36 size.
  5. Sleeveless romper (3-4 pieces).
  6. Loose jackets or tops (3-4 pieces).
  7. Warm jumpsuit – just one, it is desirable to take one several sizes larger, so it can be just right to wear about the year.
  8. Warm blanket – some mothers prefer to wrap the kid in a diaper and blanket in this case the baby will not need a warm jumpsuit.
  9. Socks.
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Clothes for Summer

  • Bodysuits with short sleeves (3-4 pieces).
  • Pants (3-4 pieces).
  • Scratchy-mittens (2 pieces) – if it is necessary.
  • Rompers with clasps on the abdomen or side (3-4 pieces).
  • Hats (1 easy and 1 warm) 36 size.
  • Socks.

What to Buy a Baby, Who Will Be Born in the Fall?

  1. Bodysuits with long sleeves that have clasps on the side or in the area of belly (3-4 pieces).
  2. Sleepsuits (3-4 pieces).
  3. Tops (2-3 pieces).
  4. Pants (3-4 pieces).
  5. Hats (1 easy and 1 warm) 36 size.
  6. Socks.
  7. Scratchy-mittens (2pieces) – but you need not buy them, if tops and bodysuits have closing sleeves.
  8. Jumpsuit or blanket.

What to Buy a Winter Newborn?How to make the right choice

  • Jumpsuit with closed legs (3-5 pieces).
  • Bodysuits with long sleeves (2-4 pieces) – they can be put on at this time, under the sleepsuits.
  • Tops (2-3 pieces).
  • Winter jumpsuit or warm blanket.
  • Pants (3-4 pieces).
  • Scratchy-mittens (2 pieces).
  • Hats (1 easy and 1 winter, warm hat) 36 size.
  • Woolen socks (2 pieces).


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