Home Home Culinary Gadgets. Useful Things for Your Kitchen

Culinary Gadgets. Useful Things for Your Kitchen

useful things for the kitchen

Piggy Steamer, Heart Shaped Drinking Straws, Ware Detailed Decorating Pen, Plastic bottle with a built–in filter…. This article offers you the top 10 February small things for your kitchen.

Editors’ opinion. There is nothing more valuable than something that makes your life easier or more fun, especially in the kitchen, Of course, you can peel potatoes with a small knife, but it’s more comfortable to do it using a special vegetable peeler tool. It makes no difference which bowl you use for soup, but if it has a beautiful design, your soup is tastier.

Thus, we think it is important for you to check out all the fun and innovative devices available. There is no need to buy the whole assortment of new tools, just look closely at these products and you might find something that enhances your daily life!

Piggy Steamer

A silicone closure from Marna looks like a real pig. However, this is exactly what you need in order to save time and electricity. In fact, this pig distributes heat and keeps the warmth evenly. Just put in a saucepan and start cooking potatoes and vegetables. This tool also helps to reduce cooking time. You can use it in a microwave and your dish will be evenly heated! Moreover, this pig opens any canned food jar, brightens up any kitchen and gets guests laughing with its sniffing and the way it emits the steam through its nostrils.

Piggy SteamerPrice: $18.60 USD (for  21,5 cm cover)

Regulator to Wash Glasses in a Dishwasher

It is rather risky to wash wine glasses in a dishwasher. However, if you have a Tether from Quirky regulator, don’t worry about keeping glasses safe. This regulator is a flexible bar, which is attached to a glass stem and the bottom grid of the dishwasher. Using a Tether you can wash any wine glass in a dishwasher.

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Regulator to wash glasses in a dishwasherPrice: $12.99 for 4 items

Beer Making Kits

It is not a problem to brew a beer by yourself. Beer Making Kits from Brooklyn Brew Shop lets you do it in your kitchen! This set consists of a required equipment, detailed instruction and selected ingredients to produce the natural domestic beer.  (1 gallon makes up 4,55 l). In case one portion is not enough you can easily buy additional ingredients. Besides, you can experiment with the taste as you want: classic, white, wheat, Belgian, etc… – it’s up to you to decide.

This device will be perfect as a gift. Present your man with the miniature Beer Making Kits.


Beer Making KitsPrice: $34.63 USD

Heart Shaped Drinking Straws

Sometimes you don’t need any words to say something important. Of course, cocktail straws can’t perform this mission by themselves. However, they will help set a fun and romantic atmosphere: Heart Shaped Drinking Straws, made by Suck Company, were designed for St. Valentine’s Day as a symbol of tenderness and attendance.  Such details are perfect to express your love and emotions.

Heart Shaped Drinking StrawsPrice: $8.95 USD for a set of 20 straws.

Compact Containers for Friable Products

Tupperware launched a new line of Compactus containers to store friable products. New advanced Compactuses are equipped with stems and slots at the bottom so you can attach them one to another. Such construction saves a lot of space in a cupboard or on a table. A lug of the container serves as a handhold when you open the top closure. Moreover, thus lug is very useful when you want to remove the container. It has a sight hole to give the container one more advantage.

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These are a perfect addition to a small kitchen!

Compact containers for friable productsPrice: $55.22 USD

Water Bottle with Built in Filter

This reusable water bottle from Karim Rashid, 2010 is the best gift for both ECO supporters and modern people. The Bobble Bottle design is extremely functional:  a stylish closure – stem hides a powerful filter on basis of activated charcoal and a waisted bottle is very convenient to hold. The Bobble’s effect is instant: it removes chlorine and organic materials in the process of drinking. Besides, its filter cleans 150 l of water (300 bottles). When this coal filter filling is exhausted, (producers believe it happens in 2 months), you can change it. Thus, the Bobble bottle device is made to keep be environmentally friendly and to save your own money!

Ware Detailed Decorating PenPrice: $13.94 USD for 0.5 l bottle

Mr. Tea

Mr. Tea from Fried & friends is ready to keep you company. Fill in its silicone pants with brew and this shameless mister starts taking a shower in your own cup.

As soon as you brew the tea, put this insolent fellow on a plate.

mr teaPrice: $12.95 USD

Ware Detailed Decorating Pen

This post is written for real confectioners. Ware Detailed Decorating Pen is designed to decorate different desserts including cakes and biscuits. You will enjoy using this pen: fill in a packet with cream, chose a needed nozzle and start decorating! This pen lets you create any of your ideas! The set includes a pen, 10 nozzles and 10 confectioneries packets.

Ware Detailed Decorating PenPrice: $14.20 USD

Salt and Pepper Miller

Unusual Millmii from Yormii is a worthy competitor for a traditional device with a rotative system. The main difference is that you have to rub the Millmii as if it is the Aladdin’s lamp. Of course you won’t see a genie there, except salt with pepper. In order to regulate the fineness of grinding use a special (black, white or some other color) handhold.

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Salt and Pepper MillerPrice: $33 USD (for a colored mill)

Wine Container and Wine Glass

A small wine container, made by Japan designers from Kyouei Design, combines both a storage container and a wine glass. A construction operates on the principle of communicating vessels: glasses are always filled.

However, it is a rather difficult task to provide each quest with this unusual wine container placed on a table.

Ware Detailed Decorating PenPrice: $28 USD

Photos: waterbobble.com, brooklynbrewshop.com, quirky.com, suck.uk.com, josephjoseph.com, tupperware.ru, nordicware.com, yormii.com, kyouei-ltd.co.jp, marna-inc.co.jp


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