Home Life The First Ultrasound in Pregnancy

The First Ultrasound in Pregnancy

ultrasound in pregnancy

When to make the first ultrasound?

Today sonographys (ultrasounds) are the most common, safe and highly effective method of assessing the development of embryos. A fertilized egg can be seen in the womb 3 weeks after conception. This is due to trans-vaginal ultrasounds.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

The length of the baby at 4 weeks old is no more than 5 mm. Its heart rate reaches 100 beats per minute. By 6-7 weeks from the moment of conception the head and torso begin to develop. There are clearly defined arms and legs. Then the baby makes its first attempt to move independently.

ultrasoundAn important component of an ultrasound in early pregnancy is the study of the sac surrounding the baby. A relationship should formed between the baby and its environment. Without this, it is impossible to further the development of the pregnancy.

The first ultrasound during pregnancy should be carried out by a specialist. One who is very well-versed in matters of early prenatal diagnosis. Making sure that the baby is all right, he will be happy to help the parents see the eyes, ears and even the fingers and arms of their child.

When to do the first ultrasound?

Ultrasounds have been closely studied. No harmful effects on babies come from ultrasounds.

But the negative consequences of the refusal of the ultrasound in the first trimester are very evident. Every year in Moscow, about 100 children with Down syndrome are born. Unfortunately, most people, including some doctors, do not know that using an ultrasound can show signs of issues in as little as 12-13 weeks. Why is it necessary to hold a session of the first ultrasound no later than this deadline?

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first ultrasoundFirstly, it is optimal for diagnosing malformations and chromosomal pathology markers. Within 2 weeks the test can show suspected Down’s syndrome and other serious diseases that can later disappear.

Secondly, in cases of suspected chromosomal abnormalities, doctors have time to hold a study and terminate the pregnancy if necessary.

Terms are an ultrasound

Tests on all pregnant women have a specified time: 12-13 weeks, 22-23 weeks and 31-32 weeks. This allows you to quickly identify the widest range of possible fetal diseases and complications. As well as identifying further medical needs.

The first genetic blood test is during the 12th to 13th week. Specialists can evaluate important points: the anatomical features of the fetus and the thickness of the neck area – a marker of Down syndrome.

ultrasound during pregnancyThe 22nd – 23rd week of pregnancy rules out defects in the brain, heart, kidneys, liver and the gastrointestinal tract.

The 31st-32nd week is to diagnose malformations of organs like the heart. In addition, doctors determine the rate of fetal growth and what size to expect.


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