Home Health Sinus Infection: Causes, Treatment and Prevention of Disease

Sinus Infection: Causes, Treatment and Prevention of Disease

symptoms of sinusitis

Sinusitis does not come by itself. Usually, a cold or allergies “brings” it. What are the symptoms of sinusitis, what to begin the treatment of sinusitis with, how to treat sinusitis in home conditions – all this we will tell you today.

The symptoms of a sinus infection are a stuffy nose, the formation in the sinuses and in the back of your throat yellow or green mucus.

Symptoms of a Sinus Infection

A sinus infection is an inflammation that occurs in the air cavities in our skull, which are called sinuses. Usually, the inflammation begins in the sphenoid sinus, which is located between the eyes. Reasons for a sinius infection (a.k.a. sinusitis) may be bacteria, viruses and fungi. If you don’t pay attention on the symptoms of sinusitis and you don’t treat them for a long time, then, for example, the sinusitis of the sphenoid sinus can cause the vision problems, ear infections, and even meningitis – inflammation of the lining of the brain

Causes of sinusitisThe most common symptoms of sinusitis included a stuffy nose, a formation of the yellow or green mucus in the sinus cavities and in the back of the throat. Common symptoms of sinusitis can be tenderness eyes, nose, cheeks and forehead. Such symptoms of sinusitis as a bad breath, a violation of smell, fever, sore throat and general fatigue are less common. And of course, patients with sinusitis start coughing, especially at night.

One of the dangers of sinusitis is that it can lead to meningitis. The cavity, in which the brain is, is separated from the frontal, sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses with a very thin bone. The infection can quite easily penetrate the body fluids and tissues surrounding our brain, through this bone.

That is potentially viruses and bacteria that cause sinusitis, can be dangerous for the whole body.

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Treatment for Sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis starts with the use of non-prescription drugs, which are sold in tablet form or in the form of nasal sprays. The latter provide a more rapid relief of symptoms of sinusitis, but they can not be used longer than three days. After this period, they lose their effectiveness and after the more extended use, they can even become the reason the return of stuffiness in nose.

treatment of sinusitisTreatment of sinusitis requires the use of antihistamines, which prevent the development of allergic symptoms of sinusitis. Antihistamines as their name implies, block the action of histamine, so the nasal sinuses rather quickly are drained. However, antihistamines should only be taken in the treatment of a sinusitis caused by allergies. It is important to carefully read the information about the medicine, as antihistamines may interact with other medicines, showing undesirable side effects. Furthermore, antihistamines generally cause drowsiness.

Another means of treatment for sinusitis are decongestants medicines. They usually contain pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine, which action reduces swelling of blood vessels, lining the nasal sinuses. Many decongestants raise blood pressure, so people with high blood pressure or, for example, those who have prostate problems, should avoid taking these medications, or consult a doctor for dosing.sinusitis

Acute Sinusitis

Usually sinusitis is caused by a cold or any virus that infects the upper respiratory tract. Less common cause of a sinusitis is bacterial action. In most cases, if there are symptoms of a sinusitis, people do not apply to a doctor and treat it by means of home medicine. But sometimes the patient may need the help of a doctor or antibiotics. In such cases, we are talking about acute sinusitis.

The border between the symptoms of acute bacterial sinusitis and normal a sinusitis is conducted depending on the intensity of symptoms. That is, the symptoms of acute sinusitis repeat the symptoms of normal one, but they appear more acute. Acute sinusitis is still the same clogged nose and the dripping thick yellow or green mucus from the nasopharynx. However, if the patient has acute sinusitis often a violation of smell occurs. Common symptoms of acute sinusitis are also a painful sensation of pressure in the forehead and around the eyes.

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Among the less common symptoms of acute sinusitis can include a low-temperature fever, fatigue and irritability, and pain throughout the body. Sometimes, because of the stuffiness of the sinuses the pain in the ear may occur.

Chronic Sinusitis

Everything about sinusitisSinusitis is considered chronic if symptoms persist for more than eight weeks, as well as if the symptoms occur frequently. Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are similar to the symptoms of acute sinusitis. First, there is a strong pain in the face and head. The location of the focus of pain may vary depending on what sinuses are inflamed. For example, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses causes the pain under the eyes and on the cheeks, and frontal sinusitis, it is an inflammation of the frontal sinus, usually causes pain in the forehead, which are accompanied by headache. Pain between and behind the eyes is a sign of the etmoidita, which is also called “latticed sinusitis” and pain in the front or back of the head may indicate on the wedge sinusitis. In addition, chronic sinusitis can also cause severe toothache and pain in the upper jaw.

One of the most common symptoms of chronic sinusitis is, of course, nasal congestion. The clogged nose is accompanied, as always, with the mucus arising from the nasal, which becomes greater at night, when the body is in a reclining position, and requires rest. Almost all of the symptoms of chronic sinusitis are not serious, rather they are very annoying. Although connivance attitude towards them can lead to further complications.

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Treatment and Prevention of Sinus Infections at Home

Acute sinusitis“Sinusitis is not the flu, why do we need a doctor, we are treated at home” – of course, it is not worth it to think this way, but the home methods of treatment sinusitis will be a great help to the prescribed medicines.

Treatment of sinusitis in home conditions usually begins with nasal lavage. For this purpose you will need the kettle “Neti”, plastic bottle, or at least an ordinary rubber bulb with a fairly thin tip. Solution for nasal lavage is prepared as follows: a quarter tablespoon of salt diluted in warm water. That is all. Then you need to lean over the sink and carefully pour the contents of the container into one of the nostrils. The liquid will flow safely, providing temporary relief of symptoms.

Another way to treat sinusitis at home is a steam inhalation. The inhaling of steam from a vaporizer or hot shower will moisten the sinus cavities. You can inhale the fragrant steam, using eucalyptus, menthol or aromatic herbal leaves. Some of these compounds may be particularly soothing to the mucous nasal passage.

If you treat the sinusitis at home using above mentioned ways you should not forget to constantly drink large amounts of liquid. The use of ordinary drinking water will help bring out all the phlegm and mucus from the throat and sinus. You should avoid caffeine and alcohol – these are the main causes of dehydration and are counter-productive when trying to cure a sinus infection.


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