Home Beauty Face Itching. Symptoms, Recommendations and Masks

Face Itching. Symptoms, Recommendations and Masks


Itchy face may be caused by different skin problems, including a woman’s health as a whole. If you suffer from itch, redness and peeling, or your face is covered with some rash or red spots, it is advisable to consult a doctor as far as these symptoms may hide a serious health problems.

However, there are times each person complains of a little itch, but doesn’t pay to much attention to this symptom. The same happens with a face as far as even a gnat’s sting may provoke the itch. People start to panic when a face is getting red and peeling. The problem becomes worse when it happens with a baby’s or woman’s face.

So, what are the symptoms? It starts from a small location of skin and becomes bigger and bigger gradually. One can feel unbearable burning. By scratching a red spot a person affects integrity of the skin cavity and aggravates the problem, intensifies the itch and triggers a skin rash, pimples or dry peeling rash.


Principle Causes of an Itching Face

There are a great number of reasons that cause this problem. Fortunately, a man may grow moustache or beard in order to hide the rash. Moreover, they have less sensitive skin than women who suffer from irritation after shaving.

A special attention should be paid to on kids so far as their skin is so much more sensitive to all possible changes. Parents of atopic children should take care of the children’s skin using a special neutral cream to moisten their skin.

Woman used to look after their skin thoroughly. Any weather and climate changes affect our skin in negative ways. Let’s learn all possible causes to provoke face itch.

  • Allergic Reaction

In case of red, ablaze or itchy face, the first thoughts to come into one’s head is allergy! It may be caused by any reason. Little children often have such symptoms because of diathesis; in most cases it happens because of sweets abuse. Also diathesis appears if your kid eats red vegetables and fruits. Cow’s milk considerably differs from breast milk, that’s why it usually provokes skin allergy. Good alternative of breast milk is goat’s milk. Digestive system of a baby assimilates goat’s proteins much easier. Thus, unforeseen reactions of such milk are practically excluded.

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ablaze or itchy face

Some girls complain of itchy face after cosmetics application to be chosen incorrectly. In case such problem appears, it’s recommended to change cosmetics.

  • Increased Dryness of Skin

Sometimes inexperienced women can’t understand the reason of dryness and skin peeling in and around cheeks and nose. This discomfort may be cause by cosmetics made with alcohol. It is known that alcohol dries skin and makes protective skin layer very thin, to be open to infections. One should be careful when applying such agents and take care of the skin condition.

Always use soft make-up removers to wash your face from cosmetics. Also use only soft lotions and tonics for face without alcohol. Apply soothing and nourishing creams at night to help your skin stay as moist as possible at night.

Increased dryness of skinDo not forget to do nourishing masks. One of the perfect masks to reduce dryness of skin is a mask with honey.

  • Hot and Cold Weather Issues

Many people have heightened sensibility to heat, cold and air humidity. For example, bath procedures may trigger acute skin redness and itch. Frosty wind may cause cold allergy on one’s face. People who suffer from anemia or hypothyroidism, are subject to this problem.

  • Side Effects of Medicines

There is a group of medicines that affect the skin condition of a man negatively. After these drugs intake, skin redness, edemas, itch and other negative symptoms are possible. It is recommended to consult a doctor as to its continued usage.

A Possible Symptom of a Disease

Face itching may testify to a certain disease, for example, jaundice to provoke edema and itch. The symptoms disappear after the recovery.

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Recipes of Masks

First of all it is necessary to know a reason to trigger off itch symptoms and then to start a possible treatment.

In case such a reaction is provoked by certain products, stop eating them immediately. Change cosmetics or drugs if you notice some negative changes after their application. In case the reason of your problem is dryness of skin, try one of the masks listed below.

  • A mask that contains oat flakes for dry skin

oat flakes for dry skinCover 3 tablespoons of oat flakes with warm water (150 gm) and leave in a glass for 15 minutes. Then mix it and apply on your face for 20 minutes. Wash you face with warm water and oil it. It is recommended to do such a mask 3-4 times a week.

  • Sour Cream and Curd Mask (to get rid of irritation)

Mix 2 spoons of curd, 1 spoon of sour cream and 2 spoon of olive oil. Apply this mass on your face and leave for 20 minutes. At the end, rinse your face with cool water.

We advise you not to scratch problem locations in order to prevent ingress of dirt and infection to aggravate the problem.

  • Honey for Face

Nature provides us with all necessary and useful things and products. Honey is a unique agent to take care of a face. It is rich in different microelements and nourishing components. People used to apply this method in order to have beautiful and fresh young looking skin. Honey smoothes out wrinkles and makes your skin velvet and silky.

Thanks to such properties, honey is quite widespread among ingredients in cosmetics and procedures. It also stimulates blood flow to skin covering. A honey massage is a very effective method to reduce deposits of fat and makes one’s skin elastic and smooth. Modern Spa-salons apply propolis, uterine milk and wax. For example, uterine milk is applied into different medicines to intensify metabolism of cells and improve hydration and elasticity. Honey also normalizes adipose glands functioning. It favors smoothing of epidermal layer.

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honey mask for faceIt happens when honey penetrates into epidermis; it nourishes it and prevents evaporation of moisture. It is known, than good moistening impedes ageing of tissues. Honey absorbs small pollutions which are considered to be a hygienic procedure; it also favors rejuvenation and peeling elimination and softens the skin. There is no alternative to this product! Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of this product remove pimples and chapped lips.

  • A Mask with Clay to Get rRid of Itchy Face

A mask with clay cleanses, tones up and has bactericidal and elastic effect. It contains zinc, potassium, copper to favor microflora of skin covering and normalizes metabolic processes and sebaceous glands functioning. The clay speeds up regeneration process and stimulates smoothing of wrinkles. Also the clay removes irritations of skin problems, contact dermatitis and other reactions.

Depending on skin type, cosmetologists apply different kinds of clay. White and green clay is used to take care of problem and oily skin. Frequently, acne disappears after usage of blue clay which cleanses, whitens and disinfects the skin. If you have irritations, try red clay.


White clay and honey is a perfect mask for oily skin. Dilute 1 spoon of honey and white clay up to sour cream mass. Apply it on a face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash it with warm water.

  • Dry Skin

Dilute 1 spoon of clay, 1 spoon of honey with milk and add 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Also add a spoon of lemon sap. Apply the mass on neck, face and leave for 10 minutes.

  • Normal Skin

Cover 1 tablespoon of blue clay with milk. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and sour cream. Mix it and apply on a face for 15 minutes.

In order to get good results, it is recommended to apply such masks with honey twice a week.


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