Home Food Switch on the Blender: Chicken Soup-Puree

Switch on the Blender: Chicken Soup-Puree

chicken soup-puree

Connoisseurs of good cuisine will like light chicken soups. Soup-purees are famous today. Children and adults like the gentle consistency. Such soups are prepared very quickly and simply with the help of blender.

Base of Soup-Puree

Soup-puree is thick soup, which are prepared from grated food: poultry, meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms and grains.

Soup-purees are prepared on a basis of chicken soups, fish, meat, mushroom and vegetable broths. Soup with thick consistency is achieved thanks to vegetables with high content of starch and/or fiber. Flour and starch are also used as thickeners.

Ingredients are boiled and mixed in a blender or grated on sieve. Puree is added into broth. As a rule, you can eat soups with toast, rusks or croutons.

Recipe of a Chicken Soup

The chicken soup-purees are made on a base of chicken broth. Therefore, begin cooking by preparing a broth. Ingredients: 1 chicken (nearly 1 kilogram), 1 carrot, 1 root of parsley, 1 onion, 2.5–3 litres of water, salt.

recipe of delicious chicken soup-pureeClean carcase of chicken, wipe it with the help of a napkin or paper towel. If chicken contains small bag with offal, wash it with cold water. Make two cuts on carcase on area lower than breast and insert feet into them and wings must be bent back. It is necessary do to make convenient shape of chicken for cooking. Peel and slice large pieces of onion, carrot and root of parsley.

Pour cold water into a saucepan, put carcase, offal of chicken, vegetables and roots, cover and leave on stove to cook. Make fire weaker after boiling of broth. Remove foam with the help of a special spoon with holes.

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The duration of chicken cooking fluctuates from 1 to 2 hours. It depends on its size and age (if you cook soup-puree from poultry). Take away ready chicken and offal from broth, put into another saucepan and cover. Broth must be filtered.

Recipe for Chicken Soup-Puree

You can begin cooking soup-puree, when chicken soup is cooked. There are many recipes for this dish. Chicken soup-puree is cooked using vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, etc. Try to make a dish with minimum of ingredients. Classic versions require: 1 chicken, 4 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons of  flour, 4 glasses of chicken broth, 1 glass of milk or cream, salt.


chicken soupSeparate meat from bones of boiled chicken. Put aside fillet and place the rest of the meat into blender cup together with 2–3 tablespoons of cold broth.

Fry flour and 2 spoons of butter on a saucepan. Flour must acquire brownish color. Dilute it in 4 glasses of hot chicken broth and boil it during half an hour. Filter such sauce through a sieve or gauze add put chicken puree and stir everything well.

Dilute soup with broth, if soup is very thick. Put it on a stove and boil. Take away from a stove, add salt, butter and blended yolks with milk.

Finally put pieces of fillet into chicken soup-puree. You may also add croutons.

Recipe for Chicken Soup-Puree with Vegetables and Croutons

Ingredients for chicken soup-puree with vegetables: 500–600 g. of chicken fillet, 3–4 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 100 g. of cheese, 200–300 g. of white bread; 1 part of garlic, the 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 50 g. of butter, black ground pepper and salt.

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Clean chicken fillet. Pour the cold water and boil it. Do not forget to remove foam with the help of spoon and boil fillet. It requires 10 minutes to be ready. Drain water and pour into saucepan clear cold water (2.5–3 litres). Put fillet which were cooked, add vegetables peeled and sliced on big pieces (potatoes, carrot and onion). Put saucepan on stove with medium heat and cook broth to complete readiness of vegetables (approximately 15–20 minutes). Add salt and pepper at the end.

How to prepare chicken soup-pureeYou may prepare croutons, during cooking of broth. Slice white bread with cubes and garlic with thin plates. Pour olive oil on a saucepan and fry garlic on it. Take out garlic in a few minutes and put bread cubes into garlic oil.

Take out chicken fillet and vegetables from broth. Wait few minutes, that they cool down, add broth and mix them in a blender to full puree.

Add broth, If you get too thick of chicken soup-puree with vegetables.

Chicken Soup-Puree

Finally, put grated cheese and bread croutons near with plate of soup-puree.


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