Home Beauty Cream for Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Cream for Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Cream for stretch marks at pregnant


Cream for pregnancy stretch marks is a special topic. At first, reaction on different remedies can be unpredictable during hormonal changes in a woman’s body. Health is the most important thing in our life: food must be safe for future mother and her baby.

Creams for stretch marks must contain retinol. It moistens the epidermis and doesn’t penetrate deep into skin. Apply on the body oil Е vitamin remedy or effective cream for stretch marks after shower. The body must get С, Е, and А vitamins, vegetable oil, and vegetables and greasy acids which are contained in fish.

The best cream for stretch marks will not be effective without regular application. Only the necessary nutrients will help your skin cope with difficult situations and stay pretty. What can you do in a cases of lost time? In this case you need a consultation from a doctor. Perhaps you will have to pass some tests. Doctors will advise a cream for stretch marks already after pregnancy. The main tasks of such creams is high-quality nourishment of the skin and improvement of its regeneration.

Cream for stretch marks at pregnant womenStretch marks will become much more noticeable, if you don’t take care of them.  You will have to forget about the good-looking open swimsuits (because of an aesthetic point of view). Breastfeeding ladies may not worry: it is possible to find cream after parturition which will be completely harmless for mother and her baby…

Cream for Pregnancy Stretch Marks : What is the Most Important?

It is better to acquire cream for stretch marks for pregnancy in specialty stores and pharmacies, reducing the chance to acquire a counterfeit. How do you choose a cream for stretch marks among lots of goods and different companies? Here are several recommendations.

  1. Select only a cream for stretch marks at pregnant women. Composition of such remedies is developed for skin of future mothers. Cream moistens skin and prevents appearance of stretch marks.
  2. Creams which contains such emollient substances as: jojoba and shea oils are the most effective for stretch marks. Also, composition must have components which improve circulation of blood in skin. It is good if the cream for stretch marks contains amino acids, collagen and vitamins. They contribute to regeneration of skin tissues and make its surface smoother.
  3. It is best to choose a cream without a bad odor. It is better to select a remedy with an unobtrusive aroma.
  4. Which cream for stretch marks is the best? Of course, it is hypoallergenic! Therefore, test creams for sensitivity of your skin by getting a tester or borrowing a little bit of the cream from friends.

Reviewing of Creams for Stretch Marks

The market is overburdened by similar goods. It will be too hard to make a good choice without some common knowledge. Therefore we offer to you a brief review about products represented in a domestic market.

  • Mamacomfort cream

Mamacomfort cream from stretch marksMamacomfort is a cream for stretch marks which is intended for dryness prone and sensitive skin. The emulsion composition of a remedy provides deep penetration. The active components come in blood and stimulate microcirculation in vessels, nourish skin and “switch on” intracellular exchange processes which influence on natural humidification. If you regularly use this cream for stretch marks, so your skin will be more springy because of olive oil, chamomile extract, horse chestnut and tea tree. It is better to use Mamacomfort twice a day: in the morning and evening. Apply it on buttocks, hips and abdomen with light massage motions till absorbed.

  • Avent

Avent has a saturated and defatted formula. It helps to cope with implications of weight’s fluctuations. Remedy moistens, energizes, makes stronger and gets rid of itch, contains extract of algae and sea lettuce, which improveme elasticity of skin. Sweet almond oil makes skin wet. Papaya oil helps excrete excess liquid. Avent will nourish and soften skin because of oil from seeds of shea tree.

  • Mustela from stretch marksMustela

Mustela has double action: it helps reduce stretch marks and prevents the emergence of new. It is used in such areas as: hips, buttocks, breast and abdomen. It contains ANA humidifiers and emollient oils.

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This cream can be used during the first month after parturition. Apply cream at they appearing, if you want to reduce stretch marks that have already formed. Use it during 3 months.

  • Vichy

Such cream is not suited for everybody. Some women assert, that stretch marks have appeared in the area of breast. This cream is not cheap. But, don’t forget about individuality of each woman. Vichy cream for stretch marks contains nutritious and humidifying components and improve elasticity of your skin. Hydroxyproline stimulates synthesis of collagen fibers. They respond on elasticity of skin.

Cream is used from the 4th month of pregnancy (prophylaxis). Correction course will be 2-3,5 months, depending on individual peculiarities of skin.

  • Sanosan from stretch marksSanosan

Sanosan is produced in Germany. This qualitative remedy will support skin during the pregnancy and in the first trimester after parturition. It contains wheat protein and olive oil. This cream increases elasticity and prevents an appearance of stretch marks and weals. Such remedy can be used as moisturizing cream for the skin in period of intensive adolescent growth.

  • Lierac

It is used as a corrective tool, helping to get rid of skin defects. Such situations can be caused by hormonal fluctuations connected with pregnancy, period of lactation, an intake of contraceptives and sexual maturation. Lierac contributes to reduction of adipose skin cells amount, influences on grease sedimentation reduction, improves skin color and aligns its texture. This remedy increases tone and elasticity of skin. Cream decreases depth and width of stretch marks.

  • Pregnacare

Pregnacare contains oil of evening primrose, which reduces amount of ceramides in skin and stimulates lipid metabolism. Calendula extract is used for sedation of skin after itch. Aloe extract have regenerating and antibacterial effect. It will remove various irritations.

Dekspantenol and zinc respond on regeneration of skin. Allantoin will soften a solidified layer of skin, helping to get rid of old cells. Е and C vitamins are antioxidants. They activate skin respiration, contribute to strengthening of vascular and cell membrane walls. Pregnacare is a good moistening remedy which does not cause discomfort during application.

  • Chicco from stretch marksChicco

Chicco is the most safe cream for a future baby. It increases elasticity of skin and level of its moistening. Effect of cream is only superficial, which precludes causing harm to a future mother and her child. It contains rice bran and wheat oils, as well as PP and Е vitamins.

  • BabyTeva

BabyTeva is produced in Israel by a company specialized in releasing of goods for future and young mothers. Remedy corresponds to all tough requirements in a quality scope. It is completely safe for mother and her baby. Cosmetics of this brand have a lot of recommendations and certificates.

  • Clarins

Clarins has a triple effect: prophylactic effect, removing of stretch marks and skin care. Remedy nourishes skin, moistens it well, increasing resistance to a strain and pauses synthesis of enzymes (metal protein), which respond on degradation of collagen and elastin fibres.

  • GGuam from stretch marksuam

Guam contains 10% of glycolic acid which gives lifting–effect on stretch marks. In addition, this cream also contains natural oils and С vitamin. Acid in cream contributes to a more rapid updating of epidermis, which makes stretch marks almost inconspicuous.

  • Weleda

It is used daily from the second trimester of pregnancy in morning and evening. It consists oils, vitamins and oil arnica extract. Weleda has a pleasant orange and rose aroma. You can use it for three months after parturition.

  • Biotherm

Biotherm has pink color and non-fat texture as a gel. It is recommended to begin to use pregnancies since the third month. Fetus begins grow intensively and skin is sprained as a result. Apply such cream on hips, buttocks, abdomen and breast. Biotherm cream is used after pregnancy during 2-3 months. Skin shrinks intensely in this period and can cause appearance of stretch marks.

  • Elancyl Galenic from stretch marksElancyl Galenic

It is used for prevention and reduction of stretch marks. Remedy gets rid of unpleasant vividly expressed color from a skin.

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This cream can not be used during pregnancy, only afterwards. Care of breast’s hygiene, if you use it during lactation. Cream mustn’t get into an organism of a baby together with a breast milk.

It is recommended use is three months. Elancyl Galenic cream is applied as all similar remedies with massage motions.

  • Yves Rocher

Yves Rocher’s cream is not a product of average quality. Women tell, that result is not too impressive. Again, everything is individually. Try and see by yourself.

  • Oriflame

Oriflame restores structure on a level of derma. Skin becomes smoother after regular using. Oriflame cream contributes to reduction of depth and length of stretch marks. This remedy can be used even during pregnancy.

  • Avon

Avon’s cream has an unobtrusive odor and pleasant texture. But it is not suitable for everybody! Women say, that it causes a rash. Irritations on skin disappear only after using of other additional remedies. Such “troubles” may exist for more than a week. It is hard to say, that Avon cream gets rid of stretch marks perfectly.

  • Mothercare from stretch marksMothercare

Mothercare cream is a good product with jojoba and shea oils. It moistens, nourishes and prevents stretch marks. It is used similarly as other remedies: since the 10-12th week and during all pregnancy.

  • Attirance

Attirance is a natural cosmetic. It contains shea oil. Women assert that cream is available at a good price, but it has the same quality as expensive products.

  • Rejene

Rejene will help to cope even with old stretch marks. Skin becomes more elastic, moistened after application of this cream. It will be suitable for any skin type. It contains restruksela peptide, regestril and water which penetrate to the deepest layers of skin, making it smooth at abdomen.

  • Venus

Venus has effect of lifting, contributes to a renovation, gets rid of leftovers of hung down skin. It returns a natural tone. It is necessary to use it for several months to get significant effect.

  • Green Mama

Green Mama contains marine algae (spirulina and brown alga). It has drainage effect and contributes to strengthening of muscle fibers. In addition, this cream consists from 100% natural ethereal (essential) oils. Remedy is high quality as all cosmetics of this firm.

  • Roc from stretch marksRoc

Roc is not recommend for pregnant women and feeding mothers. Cream is applied after the period of lactation for not less than 8 weeks. Stretch marks will become less in two times. Roc does not leave spots on clothes.

  • Thalgo

It has greasy texture and harsh odor. Women  assert that such cream helps to get rid of stretch marks perfectly. But you have to start use in due time. This cream is not cheap. Thalgo contains wheat grain and tamanu oils, as well as elastin.

  • Eveline

Eveline cream is a whole line of remedies. Cream reconstructs shapes of breast perfectly. It gets rid of stretch marks and returns energy to skin. Women are very pleased. They say, that result is noticeable after 1,5 months of using.

  • Evinal

Evinal belongs to an available price category. It has pleasant and non-sticky consistency. Cream has a good result for acceptable money.

  • Collistar

Collistar from stretch marksCollistar can be used in diet time and in a period of pregnancy. It consists of amino acids which stop destruction of elastin. Color of skin becomes significantly better, density of tissues becomes higher. It is a good product. We haven’t detected bad reviews.

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Of course, this is not a list of all goods which are on the market. But you will be able to choose something suitable for yourselves among them. Don’t lose time to remove stretch marks without problems. Any of your efforts will be rewarded. Any cream or gel will moisten and nourish skin. If stretch marks appear anyway it would be significantly less than if you would not have done anything. Care for your body and it will be reward you by its beauty!


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