Home Beauty Reviews of Hair Dryer. Great Styling with Rowenta Brush Activ Volume &...

Reviews of Hair Dryer. Great Styling with Rowenta Brush Activ Volume & Shine mod. CF9320

Rowenta Brush Activ Volume & Shine

Reviews of Cosmetics. Rowenta BRUSH ACTIV VOLUME & SHINE mod. CF9320

So it happened that on our site the most popular posts are dedicated to personal care and decorative cosmetics.

Of course, a hairdryer is neither a mask, nor shampoo and balm. But this thing, without which I can not imagine my hair  being as beautiful, and therefore I think that the representative of the detachment of quickly dried and loudly buzzed is worthy of  a special post. So let’s read more!

An expanded opinion

I am the owner of thin curly (dry) hair, which length is below the shoulder blades, ie, somewhere to the middle of the chest. Here it is clear that with such length of my hair, under its own weight, pull down and there is no volume at the roots. And despite the fact that the hair themselves are curling and volume, the effect of the dirty head is obtained – hair are without volume at the roots and fluffy lower of the middle.

using of rowenta brush

In order to fix this very big problem I always dried my hair with a dryer, mercilessly pulling and twisting on a brush, wringing my hands at angles that are not described in the textbook of geometry. Should I now wonder that I can not succeed with straight lines? I never loved doing this and the results were at best, amateurish. But beauty demands victims …


So, a few years ago, I started to grow my hair (after short haircuts), in passing, I removed the straighteners and thought deeply: I could not do without the styling, and it is necessary to choose something. Hair curlers, I threw aside, as I have never been friends with them, and it is very difficult, almost impossible so long hair to curl and hold curls. In the end I stopped at the hair hot air brush and I did not regret it.

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I must say that at one time my mother has had such a device. But by virtue of its stupid design, it has not been in demand, and so it has sunk into oblivion. A long time I worried whether the same fate will not overtake my hair dryer? As a result, I have checked out a lot of shops, tortured consultants and re-read a bunch of reviews. As a result, I chose Rowenta.

What did I look for?

  • The presence of different thermal regimes in the brush. I do not dry wet hair, so use only cold air.
  • Brushes of various diameters. I have long hair, so it is important for me that there should be a big brush.
  • Rotation of the brush about its axis and against.

Apart from that, I looked at the power — Rowenta, is one of few which has really powerful power. And this is extremely important, if there is low power the brush will spin weakly and not do a good job with your hair.

I have a model CF9320. Standard power: 220-230 V, 915-1000 W.


There is a function of ionization – it removes fluffy. Here the ionizer is located on the side, no buttons, it is not necessary to press – it works itself. About ionization I can not say anything – I did not notice the difference.


hair dryer

Itself hair dryer is not very heavy, certainly it is heavier and thicker than usual brushing, but it is convenient to hold in your hand. Moreover, you do not need additional devices – hair dryer and comb for the hair. Also, I am lazy at the end and I raise the hair on the nape with the brush.

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There were fears that the bristles fluff (like a toothbrush) – this is often written in a review. I even found out if it is possible to buy somewhere accessories separately. But a year has passed and nothing fluffed up! Everything is fine.

The bristles are artificial and soft. This is a plus – they do not hurt the hair as many metal brushes, and they seem to smooth the scales of the hair.

The accessories are easy to change, they do not fly off and you can not even take them off. The boosters are removed and fixed with pushing of a button until it clicks. They are supplied with a transparent cover, made of plastic – so I keep a spare booster of smaller diameter (I do not use it).

By the way, a nice addition: brush and booster are made in purple color with black bristles, so the brown or black hair on them will not be visible – hair dryer looks very neat. With that, I’m shedding much, hair left on the brush can barely be seen.


I took pictures of my brush – there are two holes of ionizer (blue) can be seen. Itself booster did not defaced, some bristles are bent back, but not much. I counted – there are 12 rows of bristles sum total, between the rows there is approximately 1 cm.

By the way, if you remove the brush, the hair dryer can be used in the usual way, but the air stream is not directed because there is no booster.

using rowenta hair brush

What is important and it is lacking in many electric appliances – a place entry of wire is fixed, there is no fear that the wire could be bent there, could block up or begin to spark.

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It should be noted that any device requires getting used to, and ability to deal with them. It is the same for this.

I will add a photo without styling – here on the photo my hair is simply dried out and combed. Girls, do not throw slippers, I’m not a master of selfie. Here you see that the hair adjoin to the head, and the part is very clearly visible.

But I got used to it quite quickly and can not imagine my hairstyles without it. Yeah, I’m not a hairdresser and I can not get salon styling (though many write that they do), but the hair is lush, the root volume is stunning.

I do not use styling products (foams, mousses), but the volume is kept. However, locks are not obtained – they must be fixed.

In any case, I think that every girl must have one in the household! The hairstyle turns out quite different with it – hair is lighter and voluminous. I really recommend this product.

The term test (care): 1 year

Assessment: 4+ / 5

I took off half a point for air outlet – this is a trouble of many hair dryers – hair is pulled there, they are wound on the blade, in the end, you risk being left without hair and without hair dryer. Here the grid is thin, it is necessary to follow and adapt to make sure nothing gets in there.



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