Home Beauty Traditional Remedies and Recipes for Treating Hair Loss.

Traditional Remedies and Recipes for Treating Hair Loss.

traditional recipes for hair loss

Beautiful, brilliant and thick hair is a very effective way of a seducing, both as women as men. Therefore it is very bad when you lose your beautiful hair. In this case you are ready to spend any sum of money for preparations and expensive cosmetics. But traditional medicine may provide to you cheaper remedies.

Traditional Recipes

Strengthening oils are very popular traditional remedies. Castor oil strengthens hair and makes salutary impact on their roots. Warm up castor in a heated bath then carefully rub into the scalp. You may use toothbrush for this purpose. Cover head with a terry towel and leave it till the morning. After this time, clean your head carefully with shampoo which contains natural plant extracts. Do such procedure once a week for 1-2 months. You will notice that you don’t lose hair anymore. Your hair will become thicker.hair loss

Ointments as Traditional Remedies For Hair Loss

Various ointments are also included in a group of traditional remedies. Burdock or its root may get rid of hair loss. Put 20 gr of a root into 150ml of boiled water and leave it for 20 min. Then evaporate liquid to a half of the volume. Then mix it with warm nutryany fat in equal volume. Cover such substance and cover with dough. Put it in an oven for some hours. Then merge excess water and grease scalp with the received ointment.

Mix 40 g of onions juice, 10 g of cognac and 50 g of decoction from the burdock root (prepared in the ratio 1:10). Rub into your scalp the received substance. Then cover your head with a terry towel and leave it for few hours. At the end wash your head. Repeat procedure every day.

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Treatment of Hair Loss with a Help of Decoctions

Decoctions are excellent traditional remedies in treatment of a hair loss. If you lose hairs fast, so you may rinse hairs by decoction with such recipe: cut root of the calamus in volume of 3 tablespoons and put it into 0,5 l of boil vinegar for 15 min.

traditional remedy from a hair lossNettle strengthens hair and prevents their loss. Make a decoction, then it must reach to 40 °C. Now you may rinse hair after washing.

Herbs strengthen hair well too: mix 6 tablespoons of an calamus and roots of a burdock in the ratio 1:1, then put it into 1 l of boil water for 15–20 min. Rub such decoction in head skin several times a week.

Birch sap, juice of garlic, an aloe, a chicken yolk and honey are excellent traditional remedies from a hair loss. Take 1 teaspoon of each component and mix all of them. Then rub this substance in head skin. Leave it  for 2 hours then wash the head.

Treatment of Hair Loss With the Help of a Compress

Compress are a very popular traditional remedy from a hair loss.

treatment of hair lossRecipe: mix camomile flowers, sage leaves, plantain leaves, a marjoram and a nettle in equal volume of 1 tablespoon. Put it in 150ml of a boil water for 1 hour. Then filter and mix pulp with substance. It should be rubbed in head skin, put on a hat for a shower and tie up with a help of scarf. Leave such compress for 2 hours. Finally you may wash hair without shampoo.

Treatment of Hair Loss with the Help of Lotions

Lotions are also applied for hair loss. Lotion from a nettle and nasturtium big is a good remedy if disease become stronger. Mix 100 g of flowers, leaves and seeds of a nasturtium with 100 g of diseas of a nettle leaves. Put this substance into 0,5 l of alcohol and leave it for 15 days. Filter and rub lotion in head skin with a help of brush before sleeping.

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Treatment of Hair Loss with the Help of Masks

A salt mask is part of a traditional treatment. Wash your head without soap then rub usual salt into the scalp. Duration of procedure is 10-15 min. Then wash hair and repeat procedure 6 times.

strengthens hairsMask from juice of onions, oil and a yolk restores and strengthens hair. Mix castor oil with a yolk of one egg and onion juice received from one bulb of the average sized onion. Rub in head skin, cover the head with cellophane and wrap up with a terry towel. You may wash your head in 40 min.

Treatment of Hair Loss with the Help of Balm

Honey balm is a famous traditional remedy.

Put 2 tablespoons of honey in  1 l. of water with the temperature of 40-50 °C. Rub the received water in head skin two times a week. Balm helps hair grow and adds strengthen.


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