Intercostal neuralgia: causes

Intercostal Neuralgia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Intercostal neuralgia is often confused with multiple cardiovascular diseases. Intercostal neuralgia symptoms are easily confused with symptoms of the heart pathologies. Causes of intercostal...
fast losing weight diet

10 Simple Pieces of Advice for Weight Loss that Work Better Together

Do you want lose weight fast?! "I would like choose in parts, but I need everything and now". It is the wish of any...
• "Pigeon's milk": how was everything begining?

The “Pigeon’s Milk” Cake: The Best Old and New Recipes

Contents: "Pigeon's milk": how was everything begining? Recipe of a "pigeon's milk" which is closed to a state standard specification Recipe of a "pigeon's...
High heart rate

High Heart Rate and Low Arterial Pressure: What is the Reason?

Hypotension with arrhythmia or low arterial pressure and high heart rate can be caused by different things. Patient is carefully examined by a cardiologist,...
How do accomplish twine fast

Twine: 6 Effective Exercises to Improve Flexibility of Body

Do you want to surprise someone with your flexibility? This step-by-step photo instruction will help accomplish twine quickly and without traumas. Do these exercises...
Food products contain в group vitamins

Food Products Contain B Group  Vitamins

Nutrition must be not only tasty but useful! We heard this utterance many times. The human body is the most complex mechanism working on...
Traditional methods of herpes treatment

How do get rid of herpes on lips quickly?

Nothing spoils a mood as a cold that suddenly comes on to the lips. These painful and bad looking blisters appear because of the...
spaghetti bolognese

Two Variants: Classical Italian Spaghetti Bolognese

Spaghetti bolognese is an Italian dishes which got its popularity thanks to a bright combination of tastes, hardiness and simplicity of cooking. Pasta with meat sauce...
Decoration of sides of a cake

How To Decorate a Cake at Home. Ideas and Tips

Contents: Cream decorations Mastic decorations Icing decorations Decorations for a children cake Other ways of a decoration Decoration of sides of a cake Can spice...
The most effective diets

10 Effective Diets for Quick Weight loss: Time is Less Than Choice!

A lot of women want to know: is it really existing effective diets for quickly losing weight? Or, is it only a myth and...