Home Food How To Bake The Pancake Cake

How To Bake The Pancake Cake

Pancake cake recipe

How to make a pancake cake: recipe for this dish is simple, but the housewives often have questions. How to prepare the filling? How long will the cake need to soak? Can I use it only as a dessert or as a snack? We answer all your questions!

Pancakes are a very famous dish, so no wonder that many housewives are actively trying to experiment with their recipe. This desire to cook better and more delicious has done good the the pancake cake, which is a multi-layered “construction” of pancakes with an addition of various toppings and fillings.pancake

The dish peculiarities

Use either a non-fermented or a yeast dough for the cake preparation. Their number of pancakes depends on your desire to make a cake taller, but on average 20 pieces is enough. The fillings may vary, but not necessarily be limited to sweet variants. Using salted fillings, you can turn it into a snack for an everyday or a festive table.

The Correct Recipe: 5 Secrets

  • The pancakes should be as thin as possible, then the cake would be well soaked with the cream.
  • The cream for the pancake cake should be thick, otherwise it will leak out.
  • It is better to cook the sweet version (with fresh cheese or a condensed milk) in advance to give it time to soak.
  • A salted cake (for instance one filled with salmon or mushrooms) should also be prepared several hours before eating, wrapped in a foil and stored in the fridge. You can warm it up in a microwave or an oven before the arrival of your guests.
  • If you want it to look more appealing, put it in the preheated oven for a few minutes to get brown.
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 Dough for a pancake cake

Preparing the right dough means doing a good half of the job. After all, whether the dish would turn dry or hard depends on the dough. Cooking it is no more difficult than making a quick pie dough.

Dough for a pancake cake
You will need:

  • milk — 3 cups
  • eggs — 2
  • flour — 2 cups;
  • sugar — 2 tbsp (regardless of whether the cake would be sweet or salted);
  • vanilla sugar — 1  sachet , if you are making a sweet cake;

sweet cakePreparation

  1. Add sugar, vanilla and salt in the slightly warmed milk, mix well. Add eggs, stir again.
  2. Gradually introduce the flour, sifting it through a sieve. When you reach the consistency of a yogurt, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and start frying.
  3. Fry the pancakes, cover them with a lid and a towel so that the edges will remain soft.

 Recipes for fillings

When all parts are ready, you can get to the question of how to actually make a pancake cake. There are several answers to it. Here are the most popular varieties of the pancake cake and their recipes with photos!

  • Recipe for the Pancake cake with a custard filling

 Pancake cake with a custard

You will need:

  • fried pancakes — 20 pcs.;
  • egg yolks — 4
  • sugar — 1 cup;
  • vanilla sugar— 1 sachet;
  • milk — 1/4 cup
  • flour — 1/3 cup


  1. Mash the yolks with sugar, add flour, knead until smooth.
  2. Boil the milk and add it to the yolks, stirring quickly.
  3. Put the mixture on the fire, cook until thick, stirring constantly.
  4. Cool it and smear on each pancake, placing one atop the other.
  5. Leave your custard pancake cake to soak for 3 hours.
  • Pancake cake with a curd cream

Pancake cake with a curd cream

You will need:

  • fried pancakes — 20 pcs.;
  • curd — 500 g;
  • sugar — 80 g;
  • sugar powder — 150 g;
  • cream — 200 ml;
  • raspberry — 200 g (either fresh or frozen).
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  1. Mash the curd with the powdered sugar.
  2. Whip the cream until thick (so that a pattern on it’s surface would stay for 10 seconds).
  3. Slowly add the curd in with the cream, then mix.
  4. Cover the raspberries with some sugar, set aside for 20 minutes, then whisk with a blender into a puree.
  5. Smear each pancake with the raspberry puree and then add a generous layer of the curd cream.
  6. After you have placed the last pancake, decorate the top and the sides of the cake with the curd cream and raspberries.
  • Pancake cake with condensed milk

Pancake cake with condensed milk

You will need:

  • fried pancakes — 20 pcs.
  • caramelized milk — 3 cups
  • butter — 3/4 cup
  • lime — 1 pcs;
  • shelled walnuts — 50 g.


  1. Mix caramelized milk with butter, add the lime juice and whisk until it becomes fluffy.
  2. Dry the nuts in a frying pan. When cool, crush them a bit with a rolling pin (not to crumbs).
  3. Add the walnuts to the cream and stir.
  4. Smear each pancake with the filling and decorate with whole nuts.
  • Pancake cake with sour cream


You will need:

  • fried pancakes — 20 pcs.;
  • high-fat sour cream — 1 kg;
  • sugar — 250 g;
  • vanillin — 1 sachet.


  1. Mix the sour cream with vanilla and sugar, whisk to the state of the puffy cream.
  2. Stack the pancakes on the plate, smearing with the cream.
  3. Decorate the top of your cake with flowers or waves of cream, using the pastry bag.
  4. Put the complete cake into the fridge for 2 hours.
  • Chocolate pancake cake

Chocolate pancake cake

You will need:

  • fried pancakes — 20 pcs.;
  • chocolate (milk or dark) — 200 g;
  • high-fat cream— 350 ml;
  • butter — 20 g.
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  1. Whip the cream with a wire whisk.
  2. Grind the chocolate, melt on a water bath, then add mashed butter and mix. Let cool and mix in the cream, stirring.
  3. Smear the pancakes with the cream, decorate the top of the cake with the cream and chocolate chips.

These are just a few recipes of the delicious pancakes cake. We are sure that after making a couple of them you would invent your own recipes of this universal dish!

Tasty cake recipes:


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