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How to make your lips bigger? Top tips to enlarge lips at home

bigger lips

To date a word “size” means a lot for both men and women. It refers not only to a breast or thighs, but also to women’s lips. Big lips are considered to be more fruitful; in ancient times women used to attract males by means of their lips to create a health get.

And this fact is still actual, especially for men as they are really impressed by Angelina Joile, Pamela Anderson or Megan Fox.

It is known that women have always been striving to enlarge their lips.

Ancient Egyptians used to mix oil and snake venom and them applied this mixture on their lips.

Nowadays, specialists use 3-D technology, surgery and other esthetic procedures: hyaluronic acid (fillers), botox and other gels injections.

Voluminous lips are very trendy; thus there is no getting rid of such clients as everyone wants to have lips as Angelina Jolie has or to make their breast larger.

voluminous lips

On the one hands, such procedures help to cope with psychological problems or complexes.

However, if you are panic about injections and scalpel we advise to use home – made recipes to make your lips more attractive.

Exercise to make your lips bigger

One should know that our lips have muscles to help lips compress and relax, make a grimace. And you can easily train them by means of special exercises. Keep in mind that if you want to reach visible results, you should train them regularly. Moreover, you can do these exercises anytime and anywhere.

  1. Whistle

Whistle you favorite song within 5 minutes.  Each day try a new composition. This exercise will definitely cheer you up and help to warm up lips muscles.

  1. Show you tongue
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Such an improper gesture is a part of our program to make our lips bigger. Open your mouth and show your tongue as much as possible. Don’t change the position within 5 – 10 seconds.

  1. Dandelion

First of all pout your cheeks and as if you want to blow on a dandelion. Relax you lips. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Dandelion exercise for lips

  1. A goldfish smile

Form a tubule with your lips and then smile. Repeat it 15 times.

  1. Howl like a wolf

Do it within 5 minutes and say: “Woo, awoo”.

  1. Draw circles

Compress lips and start moving them clockwise and anticlockwise as if you draw circles 5 times for each side.

  1. Shark

Bit your lip a little to increase a blood flow in this zone. Do it within 2 minutes.

  1. Pull in lips

Hold them in this position for 20 seconds and then repeat after a small interval. Repeat it 5 times.

Lips massage and make – up for additional volume

Lips massage

Apart from a set of exercises you should do in the morning, it’s also desirable to massage your lips. The result will be seen in a month.

Lips massage with a scrub

Take a scrub with abrasives. You can buy it or do it by yourself. Mix wheat granules with a spoon of honey. Apply it on the lips and massage them in different directions by means of your fingers. Later you will see the result!

Moreover, this massage with the scrub helps to renew the skin thus any lipstick will be perfect on your lips.

Tooth brush massage

Take a separate brush with a soft bristle for this procedure (a tooth brush for kids will be perfect). Damp it and start the massage. Don’t use any sharp movements to injure the lips.

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to make your lips bigger

Ice – cube massage

Put an ice – cube in a thin fabric and start massaging lips to the left and to the right within 2 minutes. A cold stimulates a blood circulation and increase its flow.

Menthol compresses

Apply menthol oil on a damped napkin and hold it on your lips about 5 – 10 minutes.

Moisturizing after the procedures

Don’t forget to damps you skin with healing lipstick balsams and cream which are used around eyes.

A perfect make – up to enlarge your lips

If you need to make your lips bigger right now, then follow some make – up tricks.


Use lipstick glosses with glitters or some agents to contain blood stimulating components (menthol, ginger, chili). As to a lipstick, you should choose the one to contain collagen or silicone.


Buy light – shade glosses with glitter effect. They make lips bigger visually and look very naturally. Experts recommend choosing mat shades with transparent glosses from above.

attractive lipsTechnique

Follow these tricks to enlarge your lips visually:

  1. Massage your lips before you do a make – up.
  2. Apply a moisturizing cream and let it absorb. Now use a tonal cream as a base.
  3. Draw a contour which is a bit darker than the main lipstick color. If you have only gloss then you should use a light pencil.
  4. Use 2 shades of lipsticks from one color spectrum. Apply a light tone in the center of lips and the dark one close to the edges.
  5. Now use a drop of transparent gloss in the center of upper and bottom lips.


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