Home Beauty Lamination of hair at home. The best recipes of gelatin masks

Lamination of hair at home. The best recipes of gelatin masks

The gelatin shampoo

We will open the secrets of the home-use hair lamination using a simple gelatin.

In an effort to have well-groomed, smooth and voluminous hair, we without feeling sorry for our wallet, rushing to the beauty salon for expensive treatments for hair care. The procedure of the hair lamination became popular among women not so long ago, but it has already found its loyal fans.

But do not forget that the beauty and health of the hair can be kept at home. Today we will open a secret hair lamination at home using gelatin for beauty, height and volume of hair.

Homemade hair lamination using gelatin mask

What is the secret of the gelatin masks and whether you can use them to achieve the effect of lamination, as in the cabin? The secret of gelatin is its unique component – collagen. First, the molecules of collagen, penetrating to the deepest layers of the hair, restore its damaged areas. Thus, the problem of split ends for a long time cease to be relevant.

Secondly, collagen envelops the surface of the hair, creating effect  of a film as if you made hair lamination in salon. Exactly this film gives the hair amazing shine and smoothness. It allows you to retain moisture in the hair structure, saturating it useful proteins and activating growth.

Prepare gelatin mask

Regular use of gelatinous mask will allow to achieve the effect of lamination hair as in salon without leaving your home. Due to its properties, gelatin, not only makes the hair shiny and silky, but also restores them from the inside.

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There are a lot of recipe of gelatin mask. Choice of the right mask depends on your hair type and the effect you want to achieve, so we offer several options.

Gelatin hair masks recipes

Gelatin mask is applied to clean, slightly wet hair. It is recommended to keep the mask about 40 minutes. For the preparation of masks you should use a proportion of 1: 3. The amount of the used gelatin depends on the length of your hair. For best results wrap your hair with plastic wrap and cover your head with a towel.

Gelatine mask with the water

This is the easiest option of the gelatin  mask.hair mask with gelatin

  1. Dilute the gelatin in water above a ratio of 1: 3 (use non-carbonated mineral water).
  2. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous mush, and melt in a water bath. It is important : it is not necessary to bring to a boil gelatin!
  3. Let the mixture cool slightly, then apply to the hair.
  4. Rinse mask with warm water using shampoo.

Instead of water, milk can be used, which comprises a plurality of nutrients for healthy hair.

For hair growth mask recipe

In order to accelerate growth of hair, gelatin mask with the addition of oils will be suitable.

  1. Dilute a small amount of gelatin with water at a ratio of 1: 3, let it brew for 20 minutes.
  2. In the resulting composition, add a few drops of burdock or castor oil.
  3. Melt the mixture in a water bath for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Rub it gently massaging movements in the scalp and spread over the length of hair.
  5. Rinse with warm water using shampoo.
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Fruit mask

Vitamins contained in the fruit, are able to give hair strength and health.

  1. Prepare base mix but instead of water, use natural Apple juice. Owners of blond hair can replace the apple juice with lemon and brunette – carrot.
  2. Let the mixture infuse for 20 minutes and put it to the water bath for 2-3 minutes.
  3. The cooled mixture apply on your hair for about 40 minutes.

hair lamination at home

Moisturizing mask

  1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers for blond hair or a decoction of nettles for dark hair.
  2. Mix decoction and gelatin in a ratio of 3: 1.
  3. Add a little honey in the resulting mixture and allow to stand.
  4. Heat slightly the mixture in a water bath for a few minutes before applying.
  5. It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm water.

Hair mask recipe for stunning volume

  1. Prepare a base mixture by mixing gelatin with water, let the mixture infuse for half an hour, then add a small amount of colorless Henna.
  2. Cook a mask in a water bath for a few minutes, not allowing the mixture to boil.
  3. Apply a little cooled down mixture on your hair and wash off after 40 minutes with warm water.

The gelatin shampoo

It is recommended to use gelatin mask no more than 1 time per week. An excellent alternative to the daily care of the hair can be shampoo based of gelatin made at home. The method of its preparation is quite simple.

hair lamination

  1. Prepare a decoction of herbs for the base. You can use any herb of your choice: chamomile, nettle, burdock, clover, etc.
  2. When the broth infusions and cools down, add the gelatine to it. If you have prepared a cup of broth, it will be sufficient to add two tablespoons of gelatin.
  3. Hold the mixture in a water bath for several minutes. Gelatin must be completely dissolved.
  4. Add 50 ml of shampoo to the mixture. The ideal option will be baby shampoo with a minimum content of perfume.
  5. Allow mixture to cool slightly and add a little honey, a tablespoon of honey in a glass of the mixture will be quite enough.
  6. If desired, add a few drops of essential oil:
  • castor or pumpkin – for hair growth;
  • coconut or almond – for fragile and weakened hair;
  • oil of cedar nuts – against dandruff;
  • sesame and jojoba oil – for oily hair;
  • linseed, olive, peach suitable for all hair types.
  1. Pour the resulting mixture into a convenient for the storage in the refrigerator container, tightly cover and cool down until the shampoo turns into a jelly.
  2. To use the shampoo, heat a small piece of jelly in the microwave and use it as a regular shampoo.
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It is recommended to hold such mask-shampoo on the hair a little bit. 5-10 minutes will be enough.


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